First things first, the competition is now closed and the winner has been contacted. I'll update the blog with his choice once I hear back.
The competition was a huge success with more entrants than last time, over 250, and surprisingly more incorrect answers. Only 32% of people that entered got the three correct answers, which were:


Kraven the Hunter:

So thanks to everyone that entered.
On to the next hot topic at the moment – resin in figurines.
I’ve seen some of the debate on this topic and thought it best to explain things from my point of view.
The most important things to note are that we are NOT moving to an all-resin collection and that the quality of resin is not inferior to lead. Resin actually retains more detail than lead in the manufacturing process.
The decision to add resin to the collection is due to two reasons:
1. Cost of manufacturing figurines, and shipping them from the factories, has greatly increased over the last 4 years. In addition to the manufacturing costs, large-lead figurines are a lot more expensive to post to subscribes and deliver to shops. The extra costs involved make it very hard to produce large-sized figurines completely in lead. We have to make a choice of either scrapping large characters altogether, making a compromise or raising the price of mega-specials.
In the case of Sasquatch and Puck, a lead Sasquatch would have been priced at £18.99 on his own. One of the reasons double-packs are a problem for us is that no matter the size of the figurine, there is a large cost involved with having an additional mould (one per character). The additional cost means that we simply couldn’t offer an all-lead Sasquatch and Puck for £18.99.
I personally don’t think that we should scrap large-figurines, and would be against raising the cost of specials above £18.99.
2. The second reason for using resin is that it can add details and features unachievable in lead. One of the properties that resin adds is the ability to produce thinner (but strong) sheets of material for extra features on characters.
I personally apologise to anyone who is disappointed with Sasquatch, I think the figure looks fantastic and don’t think it being produced in resin should put off anyone who likes the sculpt.
On a side note, I’m moving house soon and after lugging over 300 lead figurines around, I’m starting to wish the collection was all resin. ☺
Right, on to a sneak peek. Please welcome the paints of Cannonball and Quasar and an early sculpt for Photon.

I’m off on holiday for two weeks from Monday, so there may be a delay before the next update. I will be heading to the New York comic-con next weekend, Eaglemoss don’t have a stand but if you’re there, I may bump into you.
Take it easy.
Cannonball looks amazing as does Quasar Monica is looking sweet too all in all a terrific trio
Nice to know I got the competition picks right ... but sadly no email so I guess I didn't win! :P
Cannonball is definitely my pick of the 3. He looks awesome and I'm glad he's been done blasting off - can't wait to get him!
Quasar looks good. I like the pose although the face seems a little ... off. Could just be the picture though!
So glad Photon has been done in her classic costume with the afro! She seems to be coming along nicely :)
Wow....cannonball is outstanding. I love the could have gone all wrong trying to get the blast effect right but you have nailed it. Great pose, great facial expression and really good blast effect. he will be going front row on my XMen shelf. bring on Wolfsbane and Warlock as the next New Mutants...
Quasar looks rather good too, not a big fan of the character but he will make a welcome addition to the cosmic shelf.
Photon is shaping up to be a nice figure. Glad you went with the classic the afro. (Makes me want a Misty Knight figure now....)
Cheers for clearing up the resin issue. I sit in the camp of "if it means we can have more figures then bring it on".
And since I have no email yet about the competition I will just have to campaign all the more to get Darkstar in the next extension.
Three superb sculpts.
Quasar and Photon, two new Avengers to the collection. Quasar looks like draw by Romita Jr.
Hi Richard
Three nice new sculpts .
I have no pbl with the resin but I have a question : Why don't You annonce it BEFORE ? Anyway , I'll buy Sas and Puck as soon as they'll be available in France ;)
Cannonball looks brilliant.
Photon looks really cool with her hair.
Not feeling it with Quasar tho??
I recommend no more specials and regular double pack.
Would have prefered Sasquatch £18.99 special on his own.
Cant get my self on buying him,have to give it a miss.
Cannonball looks awesome!
So glad you did that costume and that pose. He's gonna really be the center piece of the New Mutants when we get the rest of them.
As for Quasar.... please, please, please.... for the love of god can we stop with the side standing characters on the base? I really hate that so very much. Sorry.
Photon looks great. Glad you're going with classic costume over her Next Wave look. Though I wish it was the other hairdo and not the afro look. It's just so outdated and not representative of who she is anymore. It would have been like if you did Bishop in his Jeri Curl rather than bald. :(
Congrats to whoever won. Even bigger props if you select someone cool like Dark Beast, Beak, Selene, Rocket Raccoon, or Ghost. Hazzah!
"I recommend no more specials and regular double pack."
Booo!! Not until we get Groot & Rocket Raccon, Hulkling & Wiccan, Rockslide & Anole, Titanium Man & Gremlin, Lockjaw & Luna. And so many more. :)
cannonball .............. wah wah wee wah !!
what an amazing sculpt !!
32% got the comp correct!!
Does anybody actually remove their figurines from the packaging?
C'mon winning dude, check yer emails and tell us yer choice :)
congrats to Mighty Marvel
in the excitement i forget to post on here.
I WON THE COMP!!!!!!!!
been going around with a stupid grin on my face since i opened that e-mail.
have sent my choice to rich and he said he'd update the blog later. so to keep you all in suspense a little i won't say who i chose now.
(but i promise i will tell you my choice before the end of the day if he doesn't)
I am guessing from the "Controversy" comment on the forums that it's likely Nico from the Runaways. Heh. Would have been hilarious if whoever won had asked for Mary Jane, Aunt May, or Jarvis. That would cause a Poo-Storm. :D
Congratulations MM . Does this mean we're getting 2 JJJ's ? :)
whilst 2 differently posed JJJs would be awesome i can confirm that i didn't choose him again :)
Great blog update! And a big congrats to mighty_marvel! I'm really glad you are going to live the same experience I did! Having already Siryn in my hands, I must say, its the best thing ever! Can't stop looking at her figurine :)
I absolutely adore Cannonball and Photon's preview! Quasar is ok
So it's your fault! :D
Just kidding, you know I don't care for the costume. But she's as deserving as any other character in the collection. So bravo. :)
Cannonball is phenomonal, just a fantastic affect. Quasar looks a little odd to me :-S Photon looks amazing to and I'm loving the fro :-)
Congrats to Mighty Marvel looking forward to your reveal later!!!
Oh and also just to brag a little I was also in the 32% correct entries :-)
Well done Mighty Marvel:)
Don't think that anyone will give you a hard time on who ever you pick.
And i know why i am not keen on Quasar,it is the side poses!
I hate them,not easy to display is the main reason.
Arm sticking out,pushing any figurine i put in front.
They will...
There was a lot of grousing over Siryn.
Thank you Richard for taking the time to explain the reason resin is now being used on occasions on some of the future figurines. Will the Wasp's wings be done in resin? You said you would get back to us on this but you never did. Can we get an updated sneak peak of her.
I like all three sneak peaks shown this round although I too would have preferred an updated hairdo for Photon.
My most sincere congratulations to Mighty Marvel I await to see whom you choose. I confess that I was not one of the 32%. Guess I should have taken a closer and better look before leaping.
Oh, pardon me,I forgot to say greetings to all my fellow bloggers. It's been awhile,since I've posted here,but what with all the hard labor I've been through planning the relocation and restructuring of Asgard I have been lacking in time,but I have kept an eye on all of you so behave.
Won't keep you waiting any longer guys.
My choice for the 161 - 180 extension is
(drum roll)
i'm sure many of you were able to guess who I'd choose with JJJ in already. i hope it's OK for the vast majority of you. it is a book and a character that i love, and hopefully for those unfamiliar with her you'll be encouraged to read the books. i promise it is worth it :)
Not a character or team I particularly cared about, but I am happy for you getting someone you really loved in the collection.
And hopefully next expansion, Eaglemoss will give us some Modern GotG, some Young Avengers, and maybe even a member of the New X-Men.
Well i did have an inkling it could be Nico Minoru :)
I promise i will buy it, be it lead, resin or cartilidge.
Good evening Richard,
I understand the increases in production costs, but (and I speak on behalf of other people in Italy think like me) if there was a price increase for the special would gladly pay if it were lead.
In fact, I tell you that if by chance there will be an edition of Sasquatch LEAD I'll be the first to take it.
The miniature is beautiful, but the resin removes a lot of charm and beauty.
Thank you for your interest and your availability,
a dear regard
by an Italian collector
All three previews looks great, but Sam...oh, be still my heart! Excellent job, EM!
Great choice Mighty Marvel. Although Nico isn't a character i know greatly about, she has a great look and I'll look forward to her inclusion in the collection :-)
Cannonball looks phenomenal, and Photon is clearly also going to be a fab sculpt with her classic costume. I love Quasar too, but in my opinion the face is a bit too cartoony, in a way that diminishes the character's cosmic charisma and makes him look like a kids cartoon version of it.
Good Choice Mighty Marvel. I'd do simillar if I'd won. I'd choose Kidden Nixon.
I completely understand the explanation offered by Richard, what with the increasing costs and all that. What I don't understand is why there was no opinion polling.
Surely EM could have asked collectors whether they wanted a £18.99 all-lead Sasquatch OR a £18.99 resin Sasquatch & Puck double-pack OR a more expensive all-lead Sasquatch & Puck double-pack . This is the key point to ascertain, especially if we want to see more double packs or the highly desirable team packs.
And let's not confuse the issue. The problem here is that EM went for a double pack where one of the two characters (Sasquatch) is almost a mega special. Let's not make this error again in future. Extra large characters should go solo and be in lead.
I can only speak for myself: I want more double packs and also team packs, and would prefer lead if possible. But I'll accept a well-thought use of resin to make double packs & team packs lighter. By 'well-thought' I mean hybrid figures where the main bulk is in lead, and resin is used in details such as capes and weaponry to make double & team packs commercially viable.
Future large specials should be sold on its own!
Hope Blob is all lead since he is £18.99.
Here's to more 2-Packs that utilize Resin to get us more characters. The Sassy and Puck set is fantastic, and unless you intend to use Sassy to bludgeon someone to death... there's no reason he needs to be lead. I'm all for more larger Resin figures, if needed to bring us more 2-Packs.
Groot & Rocket Raccoon
Lockjaw & Luna Maximoff
Awesome Andy & The Mad Thinker
Hulkling & Wiccan
Rockslide & Anole
Armor & Agent Brand
Nimrod & Harry Leland
Shadow King & Karma
It'll also make Eternity and Dragon Man easier to realize. So bring them on. As many as we can get. Hail the coming of Resin. :)
Congratulations to Mighty Marvel. Always nice to see someone win a competition.
Thanks for the explanation about lead/ resin and the sneak peaks, Rich. I have no interest in Cannonball but that is an incredible sculpt. Looking forward to Quasar and Captain Marvel/ Photon is coming along nicely. (Thank goodness we're getting the classic look.)
Lastly, nice to see Thor8 on here again.
Well done MM. I cannot wait to pick up Nico already. Really pleased that this team has at least a representative in the collection. Plus since we have had a lot of older characters in the extension it's nice to have a newer one.
I've been wondering a bit about Quasar. I realised earlier what it was that irked me a little: It's not as good as Pippin Gold's custom.
I blame that Quasars head is probably resin!
Those with resin capes seem to have resin heads as well now.
Resin can give that Cartoony effect.
Hear what yer sayin Mark Gruenwalds Feet, Another reason i will not be purchasing Sasbatch is because i produced a a far superior custom of my own
Check it owt geeza. on me blog innit
Ha ha ha!How much for that ted!!!!!!!:)
I am with CBR Beast. I want more double packs (esepcially Hulkling & Wiccan, Corsair & Hepzibah, Anole & Rockslide) and would also love to see 3-packs (Starhawk, Yondu & Vance Astro). But I would like EM to tell us how much they would cost in lead, and how much in resin or a hybrid resin/lead solution. How do they know that we are not willing to pay more for all-lead figures? I can only speak for myself, but I would happily pay
the proportional price increase. Considering for example that Hulkling is a special (around £10) and Wiccan is a regular (£5.99), I would be happy to pay £20 if they were in lead. That's my view, folks. Would love to see an opinion poll on the forum.
More double packs would be cool I think a New mutants double pack of Cypher & Warlock or Magma & Sunspot would rock!
I like the idea of Corsair & Hepzibah and Anole & Rockslide too.
Really like your version of Sasquatch Ted (he kinda reminds me of a brother-in-law of mine). I read your request for the Thor Issue your hunting for so I'll take a stroll down memory lane and let you know if I recall which one it is,although It seems to me this is a book he guest stars in.
So the theme of the moment is double packs once more eh, okay here are some of my wants;
Swordsman & Mantis
Hogun & Fandral
Volstag & Heimdall
Maximus & Lockjaw
Torch & Toro
Ted, your 'custom' of Sasquatch is amazing - such realism in the fur...and that scary 'come and have a go if you're hard enough' look in the eyes.
You've truly captured the essence of the character... well done sir!
I would never want to pay more than $38 for a figurine. If I absolutely had to... well, it would depend on the figure, but if I break my perfect collection then, I would be picking and choosing from then on.
I want as many figurines as possible, and am loving how EM is trying to keep the price down, because... I don't have a lot of money! Surprise! I'm sure a lot of people feel this way.
Here's the thing about opinion polls on here or the forum, the only ones who would post on places like these are the extreme fans. Obviously. So if we had a vote about lead vs. resin, it would be hugely skewed. I am sure that a lot of long term collectors were attracted to the collection because of lead, but casual buyers will care more about the price.
I, honestly, don't care about lead. A resin Sasquatch got me two of my favorite characters at a lower price. Actually, what attracted ME to the collection was the diversity of characters and the low price for the high quality. $12 for a figurine. The lead was actually a turn-off because I was afraid to handle them.
I forget where I was going, but for me, more figurines at a lower price is better than all lead. Thank you for Sasquatch and Puck.
I wouldn't mind if EM finish some of the teams we have of in lead X-Factor,X-Force,Wrecking Crew,Asgardians,and start new teams in resin Starjammers,Young Avengers.
Don't care for Alpha Flight anymore,double pack are waste of special slots.
No need for double packs if EM think we will reach 300!:)
Double Packs are very important.
They allow EM to do a lot of stuff that has less chance of happening as a single. Characters that are too large or bulky, and smaller characers that many would complain about having to pay full price for.
Sasquatch & Puck are a perfect example.
Groot and Rocket Raccoon are another.
Same with Awesome Andy and Mad Thinker.
Sorry jimbob but I have to disagree with you on this one. I believe double packs,if the characters are chosen wisely,are of great importance,due to the reasons CBR Beast mentions and also because you can get more characters at a quicker rate. It also opens the door for those characters many of us want,but that they would not fill a mag on their own. So I saith; "BRING ON MORE DOUBLE PACKS" and more frequently as far as I'm concerned.
congrats MIGHTYMARVEL on winning the competition and getting to pick your own figure.
Hi guys, I took some time off lately, didn't feel like getting into the whole resin debate thing.
First of all, congrats to Mighty Marvel and your figure choice. While I don't know much on Nico, I'm happy for your choice and will still purchase her regardless. So well done buddy!
Next, I am really pleased with the Cannonball figurine and really want it on my shelf now. Not really sure what to think about Quasar, I like it yet there's something I don't like about it, not really sure what though. I don't know if it's the side pose that puts me off like it does everyone else. Photon looks nice and am looking forward to seeing her in colour.
Finally when can we see the painted sculpt for Blackheart?
Double Packs are absolutely important, and I see that some of you have highlighted the key reasons:
1. more characters at a faster rate.
2. opportunity to cover characters that probably would struggle to be made as single regulars
3. characters that are more meaningful (and commercially more attractive) in combination, eg. Cypher & Warlock or Swordsman & Mantis or Callisto & Caliban
4. I will also add the opportunity to create thematic/conceptual explorations of the Marvel Universe
(imagine for example a Heralds of Galactus pack, or an Atlantis pack with Attuma and Namora for example, or Paibok & Queen Veranke in a Skrulls pack)
I don't dislike resin, and will welcome more resin figures if it means we can get more double packs and hopefully thematic packs too.
This collection has two key selling points: the 'variety of characters' element and the 'made in lead' element. Personally I value the variety as the most important element, but the second element (lead) may also be key to the commercial success of the collection. So, if we want more characters, we need to ensure that a switch to resin is not going to
affect the commercial success. Without commercial success, the whole collection would be at risk.
And we certainly would not want that to happen!
Congratulations MM I wholeheartedly approve of Nico in the collection. I sincerely hope they do the Mystic Arcana Goth Girlie look. DROOOOOL.
Nice previews.
Despite my absolute hatred of Cannonball as a character, the figure is superb.
I have several ideas for customs using that figure.
That 70's afro Photon night hag is absolutely hideous. It is seldom that Beast and I agree, but FFS do the other hairstyle!!!!!!
Otherwise it will be "Off with her head".
Jeeez, "a pig with a wig on" would beat her in a beauty contest!!!
Ted I would love to see your Sasquatch, what is the link?
I hope it is not a euphemism for anything rude though
Oh and I agree with the sentiments expressed by Kirly too.
How about a resin team of the Golden Age Invaders?
In closing - ---->
Skrulls, Kree, Hydra and AIM lackeys, or even some Shield Agents, or how about Spidey civillians, or What about a resin set of Iron Man Armour variants.
The list is endless.....
Good Night
May the Force be with you....
Always ...
In answer to Ted's previous "Mod's and Rockers" Q and A........
Yes I've been known to do a bit head banging in days gone by. :0)
Robert ... I was torn between Rogue Trooper, Johnny Alpha and Judge Dredd.
For rather cryptic reasons, I chose Rogue Trooper.
I do however have plans to do SD and Dredd; maybe even Wulf and the Dark Judges at a future date, certainly in the new year.
Nighty Night ...
DP , just click on my name and look at the blog "Sasquatch custom far superior to EM's"
Now DP don't be too disheartened when you behold it's awesomeness , Don't i beg you throw down your modding tools, You have the raw talent that i believe , with a few years of honing could produce something of a similar quality.
I have to say I still want doublepacks and megas regardless if they are made out of resin or not. In fact characters such as MODOk, The Brood and Mojo suddenly become a lot more likely if resin is a factor.
And as for generic units....bring them on. They have been bounced around various wants lists for years now and I think slipping an AIM agent or HYDRA agent into the regular lineup wouldn't be a bad thing. OK so they are not an individual character but how many heroes have fought them?!?!?! how many issues and storylines have they been involved in?!?!?!
Plus I can see many collectors buying multiple figures to make up a little's win/win for Em and the collector.
They look pretty good. Cannonball looks amazing. I aint familiar with the black costume, but the effect looks great. Like I said before, I dont like the dynamic elements of these figurines as they stand out too much and it makes it older figurines lose their appeal.
Quasar looks plain, but its an uninspired character design anyway. I agree with CBR Beast, i hate the figurines standing side on. Same way that I dislike hunched over or specially posed characters...I want standing front on figurines, like a character line-up where you can see their scale and costumes to full effect.
Photon looks quite decent. Nice bod...although could use some know. Otherwise her arms look huge and she doesnt look feminine enough. Face is abit ugly, hard to tell, and the hair, while I like the choice of afro, this didnt come off very well.
I will comment on other things later. Back to work. Well done MM.
Agreed Leigh, I think it's hard to judge Photon at this stage. I'm sure she looks great but until I see colour, I remain without an opinion for her at the moment.
And my word verification is remy, a reference to a kinetic powered card dealer perhaps? Who knows mon ami.
Hey guys :)
Haven't posted in a while. Congrats to Mighty Marvel on winning the competition! Nico Minoru is not a character I would have chosen but everyone definetly has their own individual wants in this collection; I would have asked for Hammerhead myself.
I love Cannonball! He looks awesome, best pose i've seen in this collection for a good while. Photon on the other hand offends the eyes, hopefully she'll be improved. :L
I'm counting down the days to Scarlet Spider, December can't come fast enough! :D
I'm one who got it wrong!
I had the middle one narrowed down to three figures, and I went for Cap's shoulder over Hobby's thigh (and Gladiator's leg) mainly because the colours didn't match the paintjob on my figure of Hobgoblin (and the bumps looked different too!)
I'd have gone for a Liam Sharpe Deathshead II, if I'd won :)
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