Another Friday and another update.
I love all the comments about new vs old vs 'classic' vs z-listers. In essence it is a similar conversation to the one we have in the office when we choose figures for each extension. I think the key is balance and to quote one of you guys our mission statement should pretty much be:
1. Coverage of famous characters
2. Less known characters based on awe-inspiring concepts and design
3. Completion of top/famous teams
4. Expansions into new emerging teams and Marvel realities
5. Coverage of unmissable, classic characters that are testament to the House Of The Idea.
I couldn't put it better myself. I think the one thing everyone should take away from the lists and polls, here and on the forum, is that at this stage in the collection everyone has a different idea of who NEEDS to be in. I try my best to be a little impartial and maintain a balance.
So without further to do here are this week's inclusions into the collection:
Lady Sif


On to a few questions:
Other limited run collections.
Someone asked about limited runs of figurines from different sources (similar to the Buffy the Vampire Slayer figures we made). I love this idea and have been talking to our bosses about some new spin-off/mini-collections but nothing has been decided. I've always stated my love for all things Street Fighter so would love to do some figures of the World Warriors. The major problem with these little collections is the high price we have to pay for licences. If we only do a small run of figures it means the cost of the licence is spread over less magazines. Not a huge problem to contend with but one that always needs addressing.
DC Blog
Not sure if we can set up a DC blog, apart from the time it takes to read/discuss all your comments and then write these articles, I'm not sure we've been given permission from DC to set one up.
Nice idea and one that was originally considered as part of the collection. One of the reasons it was dropped is that we were looking at the collection being presented as a diorama. When this changed and we went for more individual poses the backdrop idea went. It was also thought it might make the collection look a little young (as in for kids). I'll speak to the marketing chaps and see if it's something we want to look at. Maybe we could include with specials – so Ronan would come with an FF backdrop, Blob an X-Men related one etc... No promises though.
Just time for one sneak preview, this week we have early shots of Marvel Girl.

As you can see we went for the mini skirt costume (which was the most popular in our office and on the various forums). The hands to the head pose came straight from a comic and represents her using her powers. When painted we'll have the phoenix symbol over the eye. Oh and she's not quite facing the right way on the base, this will be corrected.
P.S. Read Mad Thinker's comments about us investigating multiple blog profiles and now love the idea of Dan and I running a detective agency similar to Madrox's in X-Factor. (Hence the title).
1 – 200 of 424 Newer› Newest»Tigershark excellent news, Lady Sif Wow, Well pleased with this news on the week we get the Enchantress. Very happy that you are going to be including the Phoenix Symbol over Marvel Girls eye.
Loving the look.
Rich, glad you were able to take the time from sleuthing for Maltese Falcons and fending off femme fatales to confirm that Sif and Tiger Shark are in. Great news.
After his jaw-droppingly bonkers/ hilarious detective agency comment, I think #200 should be a figurine of Smithy/ Slapstick/ Mad Thinker. It's only fair.
Good to make Sif in collection. Not sure about Tigershark.
Good Marvel Girl ;)
Ehi, but Jigsaw or Howard the Duck will be in the collection? I seriously hope...
And yes, also Power Pack and Lockjaw!
Like both the picks this week both are solid choices ;)
Marvel Girl looks like a very nice sculpt.
Surely FORGE will be announced next week? His time has come!
A Starjammer would be cool too, Corsair would probably be much more wanted than a Young Avenger!
Lady Sif???? OMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMG Huge respect!!!!!!!!! Can't wait for the final Marvel Girl, too! :D Nice additions, classic enemies! All in all!!!
Street Fighter Figurine Collection is an awesome idea actually, since SF figures are hard to find and there aren't figures of all characters. SF has a vast universe too, after all.
ps.A character I'd suggest for the expansion: Night Thrasher.
ps2.I personally consider a Young Avenger figurine, something that is unneecessary.
Tigershark is long overdue and a great confirmation. Sif is nice for the Asgardian fans too :) Both should make great figs so I'm happy!
Marvel Girl is coming along great, love the pose. She should look amazing painted so can't wait to see that!
As for a Street Fighter collection, I'd buy majority of them (the SF2 ones mostly). However if we're talking a fighting game series, it has to be ... MORTAL KOMBAT :D Would buy everyone of those!!!
Ho my God ( Odin ofc...) ! Lady Sif ! At last , Asgard'll get crowdy soon no ? lol
Another excellent choice with Tigershark even if it's not REALLY a surprise .A real one could be Puma or Ringmaster or .....the Twins double pack !
Btw , who's the Boss in the Agency ? lol
lol EM investigates exists! Marvel Girl looks good, and happy news with TigerShark, very pleased to see him.
I'll have to read up on lady sif, not that familiar with her.
About backdrops, Marvel Legends included backdrops as part of the packaging, it was just printed on. Perhaps a double sides poster could incorporate this, so we have the poster of the character, and the reverse is a backdrop. This way you could produce smaller posters, save abit of money.
As for the SF license, capcom is bigger than ever right now, and with marvel vs capcom next year, expect another explosion of popularity. Best time to do it and have the collection going for 2 years.
Sound choices in Sif and Tigershark there, personally I really like that Sif costume :)
for me the big omission so far this extension is Forge, so I'm hoping he gets confirmed next, and I still love the idea of getting a Young Avenger in, Wiccan preferably!
Glad you went for that pose and costume choice on Mavel girl, love the news of the phoenix symbol on her eye as well.
Keep up the good work!
Great news x2, Tigershark has been a leader on the polls for a long time now (i love it when the characters that do really well on the polls get confirmed, it shows you're listening to what we are saying). Lady Sif would have been my choice for the next Asgardian as well...nice job! I hope Hela makes it next time around.
I'm liking the pose for Marvel Girl and am excited to see the finished product (even though she's not one of my favs).
Two great choices!I'm very happy!
Asgardians are building up nicely now.
Hopefully ODIN special will be out next year
for the Thor movie.
eaglemoss investigations - quality lol , thought you may like that one rich.
great inclusions to this extension - tigershark just missing out last time round + sif will make asgardian fans happy.
street fighter would be great , i'd like to see a street fighter vs mortal combat collection + perhaps this would make a good chess collection ?
marvel girl ?
pose looks good but something not quite right about the head / hair.
makes her look like a bloke in drag lol.
get the hair straighteners out !!
robert :
thanks for the comment about having me as a figurine at number 200.
the mad thinker would be a good inclusion to this collection with his ties to f/four , avengers ,
x men , spiderman , and his team up with some-time ally the puppet master - who has been confirmed in this extension.
recently they teamed up again to take advantage of the chaos caused by the super hero registration conflict.
Tigershark only has one costume so he's a done-deal apart from the pose. That leaves us with two questions:
1. Which incarnation of Sif will we see? Worryingly, the biographical sites for Sif have her from a recent mini-series. I'd much rather see a look from Kirby or Simonson. But NOT the ridicuous S&M outfit she wore for a while in the '80s...
2. More importantly, should our issue #200 be Smiffy or Slapstick or Mad Thinker?
Honestly, of all the outrageously funny comments and ideas on here, calling in Eaglesmoss Investigations has to be the funniest ever. The work of a potty genius.
if northstar is staying in the regular line-up i'd rather forge be left for the forum to vote in.
EM have already picked magik and northstar to represent the x-verse and i imagine at least one x-villain will be chosen by EM. if forge gets in as well plus the regular 2 mutants voted in on the poll thats possibly 6 x-characters in this extension which would be a little much imo.
if northstar doesn't make a double there's 5 EM choices left i believe. personally i'd go for
1) vance astro
2) silver samurai
3) sister grimm
4) JJJ
5) swordsman
this would probably give forge and domino plus one other from the poll, most likely a cosmic. so would leave us with 5 x-characters for the extension.
and because rich mentioned limited run series i repeat my requests from the last blog - dr who and thundercats. showed last time that a reasonable who collection (40 figs + specials) could be done within 18 months and thundercats (25 figs + specials) within 12 months
STREET FIGHTER collection all the way!!!
Or how about a Capcom collection.
Just googled Tiger Shark to check whether the name is one word or two and found out he has actually had other costumes. I've only ever seen him in one incarnation.
Ah, well, live and learn...
thank you for Sif and TigerShark, Rich :)
GOOD BYE again.
Great news for Tigershark and Sif. I love that we have one Asgardian per extansion! Balder and Sif are going to look awesome :)
As for Marvel girl, I can't wait to see the final painted version! hehe!Thanks for the previews!
Id definitely buy the original street fighter, up until Street fighter 2 with Cammy and Fei long! Especially Cammy :)
Oh and if we're talking X-factor investigation ;) how about having one this extansion (Longshot or Wolfsbane or maybe Monet St-Croix!)
Marvel Girl is amazing¡ And thanks for Lady Sif¡
I think that the results on the poll's forum are independent of the EM previous figurine selection. I hope that in the new extension should be at least 4 or 5 x-figurines. And after that, the polls will speak¡ And maybe no x-men will win. So I'd rather have the security of having 4 already planned.
Until now, we only have one x-figurine into the new extension: Magik (and maybe Northstar). I think FORGE is the best candidate¡
Lady Sif is a good addition and as she'll be in the forthcoming Thor movie, a timely one too (love the end credit sequence to Iron Man 2...'nuff said). Got Enchantress today from Forbidden Planet London (and Zatanna) and if EM can maintain the quality of both of those, then I can't wait for Sif. I've been intrigued about Tiger Shark since kicking his scaly butt in Marvel: Ultimate Alliance so good to see him in too. Now, PLEASE can we have JJJ confirmed? Make me a happy archer...
Full support for a Dr Who collection. As for which Master to choose, if we can have 11 Dr's, why not two (or 3) Masters. It's not just Ainley / Delgado and Simm you know :). I'd love a Heroes collection too (the last series was the best yet...)
Street Fighter - not my cup of Dahjeeling....
Is that a wiff of paranoia in the air MT?!
Honestly, you've proven 100% why you chose 'The Mad Thinker' as your nom de plume, because not only was that the whackiest post for a long time, but like the character himself, you seem to have had a sense of humour 'by-pass' at some point in your history!
Lighten up for God's sake!!!!
Nobody else on this blog has been taking all that 'Identity Crisis' stuff seriously (ps. that was a DC reference, so it proves that I'm not Rob at least!..but I don't want to confuse you further....)
We have what is commonly called 'a laugh' on this blog, and if that means going off on weird tangents occasionally, instead of keeping the 'Serious Geek' Hat on all the time, than I for one, am not going to apologise for it!
Right, said my piece...moving on..
Anyway.. Welcome back Pirate Adam! We've all missed you...and we expect to hear from you again soon!
The latest additions look excellent, and I came home today and found 4 new figs. 2 Marvel, 2 DC. They are all Amazing...some of the best for a long time, and I think The Enchantress figure could quite easily be the best female fig yet.
Bye for now,
for x-men there's magik, northstar if he isn't a double and i would think most people have ka-zar as an x-ally so shanna will probably go in with x-men too. an x-villain has to be included by EM so that's potentially 4 x-verse characters.
the x-fans always come out in force for the polls so we will definitely get one, maybe 2 x-men from the forum poll.
as much as i like the x-men personally i'd rather not risk the collection becoming too x-heavy which is what will happen if EM confirm too many x-men
Marvel Girl looks fantastic, and I absolutely love the pose! The outfit is amazing, I really prefer this one over all of her other ones so I'm glad the team decided on this one. The layering of her hair works really well on this figure, it gives it more depth. I also love how the sculpting detail on the costume helps the figure's design pop more, despite the costume being simple.
This one is definitely going on my "must buy" list. I can't wait to see what it looks like colored as well as when it gets released!
P.s: I also am incredibly curious as to how that discussion about the Stepford Cuckoos went between you and Rich, Dan The Man. Let me know! I'll be fine with the results regardless of which way it swings, again, I'm just incredibly curious. =)!
Lady Sif.... nice choice. Not huge on the Asgardians, but the collection is for everyone and she'll make a crackin' good choice. Much better than Hela or the Warriors 3. Still hope for them around the time of the Thor movie though.
Tigershark... Heh, it's about time he finally made it in. He lead the polls for so long and just missed out like 3 times making it in. So about time he finally made it. Happy to add him to the collection. Now maybe we can see Bengal and Constrictor in future extensions of the collection.
Marvel Girl looks fantastic. Skirt is a bit shorter than I like it though. Clearly was based on Bachelo art, IIRC. He always drew the skirt really really short. Glad to hear she'll be adjusted on the base so she's facing forward.
Hope to see a Young Avenger, a Starjammer, and Guardian of the Galaxy before we get to the forum voting. Particularly Patriot, Corsair (or Hepzibah), and Rocket Raccoon (or Star-Lord). Love the fact you guys went with Modern GotG Drax over the Hulk in a Purple Cape from the old days.
"as much as i like the x-men personally i'd rather not risk the collection becoming too x-heavy.."
Same here. I like the characters, but they already have SO much representation. If we want to show the diversity of the MU, why do we keep dipping into the mutant teams? I realize they have their fans and there are a LOT of great concepts, but its still very frustrating when you're a fan of other corners of the MU, and you feel people are turning a blind eye to it.
On to other things...
Other collections, I'd again like to agree with mighty_marvel about Thundercats. I can imagine few things giving me more joy than seeing an EM sculpt of old Mumm-Ra (an exaggeration, of course, but still...)
And Street Fighter would absolutely rock. But please be thinking of the occasional character outside of SFII. Some from Alpha, some from 3 or 4. Ibuki and Dudley are two of my top favorites, and would make excellent figurines.
I am so glad Marvel Girl does have spikes all over her. ...That sculpt looks incredible :)
Curiosity here; one of my absolute favorite books/titles/concepts/whatever is Agents of Atlas. Classic 50's characters, re-envisioned for the modern era, deep ties all over the MU, amazingly imaginative concepts (all of them.) What do the rest of you say about their inclusion, and if you are for them, who would be the best (if only one could be made?)
Jimmy Woo, M-11, Gorilla Man, the Uranian, Venus, Namora.
Personally... I can't even decide. They are all equally amazing to me.
And let me end my post giving support to J. Jonah Jameson. There are very few civilians I'd feel were appropriate to the collection, but this guy's at the top.
Sorry I type so much at once. I'm just passionate. :)
CBRBeast, the Drax the Destroyer that collectors like Ted and I wanted predates the brain-damaged "Hulk in purple cape" Destroyer from the Infinity Gauntlet-era. We wanted the orginal incarnation from the 1970s, who is normal proportions.
I am slightly worried that if we have modern Drax, that might mean that if we ever see Gamora they will not present her in her classic form, either, and I'm quite keen on seeing Gamora included as I'd like some more of the Infinity Watch. (Having said that, I think we're getting Moondragon - a.k.a. Madame MacEvil! - in her classic costume. So who knows?)
I would love to see the Agents of Atlas get a shot in the collection. I think Namora or The Uranian would be the best place to start. Though personally I would love Gorilla-Man and M-11 before everyone else. :)
If a Street Fighter series materializes and it isn't purely SFII, I'd buy Abel, Guy and of course Ryu in a heartbeat. Cody and Ibuki would also be very tempting.
For the person requesting the Stephen Cuckoos, which costume would be the most fitting? I'm not sure if they'd had a prominent set of clothes because if I recall correctly, pretty much everything they've worn tends to vary depending on the artist, including their standard white and plaid uniforms.
I do find the idea of them interesting as they're quite a bit different from the typical X-Men characters. Plus, the magazine cover can even include Sophie's floating head wearing Cerebra! A good follow-up to the other X telepaths imo.
Bloody hell, I meant Stepford Cuckoos and didn't catch that I typed Stephen somehow =(
@Colossus: I'm honestly not sure since the Stepford Cuckoos have so many different designs since their debut in 2001. Their "school" outfits are different based on who is currently drawing them, but they are usually always wearing a collared white button down shirt, a plaid skirt and knee-high socks of some sort.
If not a school outfit, another good costume would be their X-Men costume in Predator X (my avatar). I've become rather fond of that one, but I honestly see them going with the skirts since they can do so much more with that, at least as far as poses are concerned. They're also more recognizable in their school attire.
Your idea for the magazine is hilarious, it looked pretty funny seeing Sophie Cuckoo's head floating around via some odd form of projection. Though what you said made me think up of a cover for the Stepford Cuckoos' Magazine.
I can see the image of the three being put into use:
The Magazine itself would have sufficient information about the three-in-one hivemind, as well as their departed sisters. They've been apart of tons of important story arcs and spin offs alike as well. They've also had an encounter with power houses such as The Phoenix, Cassandra Nova, Magneto, etc.
The Cuckoos are a very interesting and unique spin on age old telepathic abilities, giving a new meaning to "team work" and eerie all at once.
(I'll stop here before I get waaay too carried away, since I'm clearly very enthusiastic. ;__; )
Yay! I totally love the newly included Lady Sif and Tigershark.
This is shaping up as an awesome extension. Now I'd like to see some jaw-droppingly unexpected inclusions.
Here's my own personal
Grandmaster (Elder of the Universe)
Anole (New X-Men)
Sunspot (New Mutants)
Hyperion (Squadron Supreme)
Caliban (modern look)
Danger (X-men room alive!)
Gargoyle (Defenders)
Warlock (New Mutants)
Starhawk (Guardian of Galaxy)
Attuma (Namor villain)
Gravity (cosmic)
Magma (New Mutants)
Nimrod (the sentinel)
Dust (new X-Men)
Crossbones (Cap villain)
Sleepwalker (Mindscape)
Dr Spectrum (Squadron Supreme)
Xorn (real one,not Magneto!)
Vertigo (Marauders)
Darkhawk (New Warriors, etc)
Vermin (Spider-man villain)
Hulkling (Young Avengers)
Wiccan (Young Avengers)
Vance Astro (Guardians of Galaxy)
Looks like typos are everywhere today. I meant the "Nation X" storyline not "Predator X." lol
@KIRLIANEYES: I like your list, and you made me remember that I would eventually like to see a Xorn figure too. He's pretty awesome, I just hate that the first variation of him was actually Magneto. I've mentioned this before, but I would totally buy a figure of most of the members in Hellions or The New X-Men as well.
The original Xorn (Kuan-Yin) wasn't Magneto, so he's certainly available for inclusion in the line-up. He only believed himself to be Magneto, under the influence of Kick/Sublime. I would love to get Xorn in the collection at some point. In addition to Cassandra Nova and Danger. Danger has really grown to be less of a one-dimensional character under Mike Carey. But Sage, Dark Beast, and Karima Shapander aka Omega Sentinel are higher on my list.
I've only known Xorn in New X-Men, but it seems the original creator did indeed intended for Xorn to be Magneto in disguise. Though, I just now read a Wikipedia article and I had no idea they retconned him out of being Magneto. I like Xorn and dislike Magneto quite a bit, but from what I read on Wikipedia, the retcon seemed to have been handled poorly.
I suppose it's better than them having two different versions of Xorn, but I still wish they did something differently. =(
Every week you deliver outstanding news and this week is no exception with Sif. Can't wait to put her beside Thor in my collection.
Would love to see Forge, Shaman and Lockjaw. Each I think are needed to really finish things off. Silver Samari would be a great sculpt as a special.
Would love a DC forum. I have been looking for a way to say please include Vandel Savage, pleeeeese.
Keep it up Rich
The retcon was handled fine. Just the fanatic Morrison fans hate it cause they felt it spoiled their Master's story. Where as the Xorneto thing ruined Magneto's character. So I'll take the the retcon any day of the week and twice on Sunday.
That's good to hear, I was worried from how the article was written. I like the idea of Xorn never being Magneto in the first place.
Honestly, I just wish those two characters were never associated with one another in the first place. Xorn makes an excellent character on his own without Magneto shenanigans.
I think a capcom license would be awesome. You have Street Fighter, Darkstalkers, Megaman, Resident Evil plus plus
Even though it would be almost near impossible a Final Fantasy series would be also be awesome.
Marvel Girl looks awesome btw
Since i just got back from seeing Iron Man 2 (which was great by the way) I thought what better time to campaign for one of Shellhead's villains. So without further adieu my Top 5 Iron Man Baddies
1. Whiplash (you had to guess that)
2. Whirlwind
3. Madame Masque
4. Titanium Man
5. Ghost
honorable mentions to Blizzard, Living Laser and Ultimo
As mentioned in my previous post, I've just recieved my 2 latest figs. Along with them was a letter about the Cloak and Dagger special coming up.
Now I'm assuming that this will be a shared-base piece as was previously discussed,that is 2 normal sized figs on 1 base...
My point is, why is this going to cost £14.99, when my last 2 single figs cost only £11.98 together? (a massive £3 difference). Surely, if anything it should be slightly cheaper, or at least the same price as 2 separate ones. After all, there is only one magazine to produce and one lot of packaging etc.(Economies of Scale and all that. I knew that Economics 'O' Level would come in handy one day).
Don't get me wrong, it's still good value, but it doesn't seem to make sense is all.
If Eaglemoss is open to the idea of limited run collections, I would be much happier if the effort was dedicated to famous Marvel sagas and story arcs (eg.
Age of The Apocalypse, Planet Hulk)
or categories (eg. alien races).
These could run in parallel with the CMFC series, allowing fans to get much wanted characters that are unlikely to appear in the CMFC line-up.
Can't see it happening, but hear, hear, Kirlianeyes.
BD - I thought exactly the same thing when I looked at the price. I also thought they said subscribers had discount on specials, so I dont see where this sum has come from. I can only imagine they added the costs for DC figurines at £6.99 to produce, despite packing the special with just one magazine. I would like to see some clearing up on this subject too.
I think you are onto something awesome there.
It means EM do not have to shell out loads of money for a new license. We get more Marvel figurines of A-List characters, and it doesnt effect the normal CMFC numbering. Infact, I love this idea.
Planet Hulk, Civil War, Secret Invasion, Secret Wars, House of M, What If?, Age of Apocolypse, Days of Future Past, Evolution of characters, Ultimate universe much potential to run for even more years!
As much as I would love to see other extensions of series, financially for EM this would be a great decision.
Secret Wars! Now that would give us classic Iron Man! (I know, I know, it was really Rhodey at the time.) All for that.
Actually, I think any sister publication should be giving us the character versions we should have got in the first place... you know who I mean, classic versions of IM, Beast, Mystique, Captain Britain, Storm, etc. I'd also like to see original X-Men, grey Hulk from issue #1, Captain America (original shield and helmet), Namor (green trunks), etc. Loads of potential in this idea.
Thats the spirit Bob!
Also, I wont need to moan on these boards about not getting the classic costumes throughout Marvel history in the CMFC as this sister publication can handle all that.
I would even put money on it being more successful.
Game time!(inspired by some of the recent topics)
From the following less-famous groups, you need to pick ONE you would like as a figure, simple.
Guardians of the Galaxy (present or future)
Young Avengers
Soviet Super Soldiers (+ other versions)
The Inititive
X-Force (any version)
X-factor (any version)
Invaders (WW2 or present)
My picks would be:
GotG: Starhawk
Runaways: Sister Grimm
YA: Patriot
SSS: Dark-Star
Inititive: Gauntlet
X-Force: Warpath
X-Factor:Strong Guy
Invaders: Blazing Skull
Just a bit of fun, but it could help EM with some of their choices...
I'm game BD.
Guardians of the Galaxy - Dont know any of them
Runaways - Nico Minoru
Young Avengers - Patriot
Soviet Super Soldiers (+ other versions) - Red Guardian
The Inititive - MVP Iron Spiderman
X-Force - Warpath
X-factor - Strong Guy
Invaders (WW2 or present) - US Agent
Oops, forgot Guardians of the Galaxy. I didnt know members of a few other teams and googled them, so I will do the same.
Guardians of the Galaxy - Jack Flag
Runaways - Nico Minoru
Young Avengers - Patriot
Soviet Super Soldiers (+ other versions) - Red Guardian
The Inititive - MVP Iron Spiderman
X-Force - Warpath
X-factor - Strong Guy
Invaders (WW2 or present) - US Agent
(admittedly going through that list, I like those characters. Only one I dont actually know is the Runaway character)
Well done LA,
There you go, already 2 votes each for Patriot, Warpath and Strong Guy.
Just as exciting as the General Election!
Let's get those votes in guys(and ladies)!
Guardians of the Galaxy - Vance Astro
Runaways - Nico Minoru
Young Avengers - Kate Bishop
Soviet Super Soldiers - Darkstar
The Initiative - Dani Moonstar
X-Force - Domino
X-factor - Wolfsbane
Invaders - Spitfire
Right then, tally so far...
Patriot: 2 votes
Warpath: 2 votes
Strong Guy: 2 Votes
But in the lead...
Sister Grimm/Nico Minoru: 3 votes!
keep 'em coming!
Agents of Atlas: The Uranian (or ANY of them.)
Guardians of the Galaxy: Gamora
Young Avengers: Wiccan
The Inititive: Trauma
Invaders: Blazing Skull
Western/Horror/Romance: Two-Gun Kid
Soviet Super Soldiers: meh
Runaways: meh
X-Force: meh
X-factor: meh
Bob, you forgot Agents of Atlas ;)
Just to throw this out there; I really want Gamora in her current outfit. I know Robert'll disagree, but I MUCH prefer this costume. And special mention to Rocket Raccoon for GotG and Gauntlet and Constrictor for Initiative.
Keep in mind, a vote like this will look skewed. If there are two teams and everyone votes for a certain character in one team, but is divided in another, it will appear the team has less support (Young Avengers are very split among us on who we want, put Warpath is going to get all the votes under X-Force.) I just wanted to point that out when Strong Guy has 100 votes and Spitfire has 5.
Good points there John, but it's just a bit of fun!
I don't know how I forgot the AoA..I love those guys! We will now officially add them to the list.
My vote also goes to The Uranian.
Mighty Marvel and LAWay should also vote on their fav AoA...
Got to go.. BD
how about a laurel + hardy figurine collection ?
issue number 1 could feature laurel + hardy.
or how about a where's wally collection ?
issue 1 could feature wally - if you can find him.
I'm not familiar with most of those series, but I'll just say a few.
Runaways: Nico Minoru
X-Force: Elixir
X-factor: Layla Miller
Oh yeah, the nation X outfits do look pretty cool. (Had to look them up since I haven't read that yet.) I don't like the outfits as much as the regular school uniforms though, and you could even make the skirt look like it's flowing. The Cuckoos do seem like a good a idea for a figure the more I think about it. I didn't realize how much stuff they had been in, so it might not actually be that hard to fill up the magazine. The plan to defeat Cassandra Nova was theirs, wasn't it?
Agents of Atlas - Namora
Still skipping around the house like a twenty-something 'cause Sif is in the latest extension. Anywho, I've been pondering her look and, when I went back and flipped through the last forty years of comics, I was surprised how many different designs she's had..
My collection starts with the last Kirby issues and she's wearing a white - which I presume is supposed to be silver - skintight costume (or is it armour?). Even though it's a bit plain and doesn't look identifiably "Asgardian", I'd be happy to see her in this. My only concern is that, even with a sword, she'll end up looking rather similar to Silver Sable. She did wear a similar costume a lot later, with a nifty helmet and some detailing (she is wearing it at the time of Odin's death in the 'Nuff Said issue).
A little later, around the #200 mark, she was sporting a short, billowy dress with bindings around her lower legs. Wouldn't be upset with this look, either, although it probably doesn't have enough of the warrior woman to it. Next to Valkyrie she would look like the princess rescued in fairytales, rather than the battle-hardened fighter she is.
For a while before and then after the dress, Sif had a silver-red outfit, which was fine if not particularly memorable. Simonson came along just after this and jazzed the silver-red outfit up a bit in a distinctly Kirbyesque way. It's a look that would fit in with Thor and Enchantress very well, I believe. A fairly recent appearance of that design was in a flashback episode in the 'Nuff Said issue from 2002.
In the 80s she had a few redesigns. Look at the cover to #453 for a disastrous costume. The cover to #484 shows the next look and it's a big improvement, even though the costume she's wearing in the story is not the same as the cover! A similar story with #488. The cover costume is a blue-silver variation on the red-silver costume, but inside Sif is wearing the costume from #484's cover! Confused, yet?
I'm curious what you guys think. I'm definitely leaning towards the red-silver outfit from Simonson's run, with Kirby's silver outfit second. I haven't read the mini-series where I believe Thor was younger and reject Sif's look from that as she is "younger" than she is in the comics and also because I haven't seen that look in any of the monthly issues.
P.S. John, I grew up on the classic Warlock issues by Starlin. No offense, but if Gamora doesn't appear in her original costume, which she has sported for most of her history, including all the Infinity series that involved almost the entire MU, it would be as big a crime as cat-Beast. Maybe bigger.
What a brilliant idea, Mad Thinker! What about another collection that would include figurines of all the X-Men writers from 1975 until 1991? Keep those ideas coming, MT!
Robert, don't get mad at me for this... but I actually prefer Cat-Beast. I realize I'm the only Marvel fan that does. ;)
And I'm sure she would be made in her "Mysterio costume" but I just think her current one let's her stand out so much more, and doesn't look sooo dated. Warlock can pull off an older look, I just can't see Gamora not looking silly.
And everyone's talking about Sif. Let me thank EM for including Tiger Shark. I love the villains and I'm hoping for many more. Thank you EM, for Tiger Shark, Grim Reaper, etc.
drax on the shff :
great looking figurine but doesn't look like drax to me.
would have rather had the green and purple version with cape.
Ach, John, I couldn't get mad at you. Crazy people are often dangerous!
Only joking. I understand your preference. We are all victims to when we started reading and what we read. I haven't read the recent stuff so it means nothing to me. (I love the cosmic stuff normally, I was just unhappy at the changes and decided to skip it.) Same with the Beast. I remember reading the first story in his furry form, and then enjoyed his classic run in the Avengers. Please forgive this old farty pants who will probably always prefer the way I first encountered characters.
Couldn't agree more, MT. We may be in a minority, but I think Eaglemoss got Drax badly wrong.
If Gamora's present look dates from the Annihilation stuff, then according to my google search she's been wearing it for 4 years.
Her previous outfit was worn for 31 years.
Even if I am slightly off with these dates and my information, there's no question which look should be chosen.
P.S. I don't think the classic look is dated at all. Will have to differ on that point, John! :)
The latest on the BD Lesser-known Super Team poll!....
(No. of votes on the right)
Guardians of the Galaxy
Starhawk 1
Jack Flag 1
Vance Astro 1
Gamora 1
Nico Minoru 4
Young Avengers
Patriot 2
Kate Bishop 1
Wiccan 1
Soviet Super Soldiers
Darkstar 2
Red Guardian 1
The Inititive
Gauntlet 1
Scarlet Spider(s) 1
Dani Moonstar 1
Trauma 1
Warpath 2
Domino 1
Elixir 1
Strong Guy 2
Wolfsbane 1
Layla Millar 1
Blazing Skull 2
USAgent 1
Spitfire 1
Agents of Atlas
Uranian 2
Namora 1
Keep 'em coming folks!
ok. 3 forum choices and possibly one competition pick leaves us 5 EM choices remaining. on top of BD's lesser known teams game can people list the 5 characters they would like to see in these spots. try to think like EM and pick a range of characters, not just 5 x-men or 5 avengers.
my 5
1) vance astro - appears in both GotG teams and cosmics are really wanted on the forum.
2) silver samurai - one x-villain should be in every extension imo and he has a great look. but would be equally happy with shaw or selene.
3) nico minoru - new team start. i love the runaways so opted for her. but would be happy with a young avenger as long as a runaway is guaranteed for the next extension.
4) swordsman - a classic avenger. and we've alredy had a female so a male should be in also.
5) JJJ - my major want for the collection. people are starting to mention possibly having redos of a-listers to keep the sales up but here's an a-lister we haven't even had yet. needs to be in.
didn't choose any x-men heroes as i'm certain that at least 2 (forge and domino) will get in through the forum.
Top 5? But reasonable choices... Oh, this is tough...
Trauma would be a top pick from me, but I can't see EM picking him as he has too little history.
Gravity came in and out of the list a few times as well. Great new character, but again, not around long enough for most people.
Tombstone, I'm not sure of. There are a LOT of Spidey villains tied for first here. Jackal, Tombstone, Hammerhead, Molten Man, Madame Web, Boomerang, Jack O' Lantern, Mr. Negative, Kaine, Puma, Rocket Racer, Swarm, Grizzly, Gibbon, Calypso, the Enforcers, Alistair Smythe, Spot, and Vermin. If were to just pick the one I want the most, it's Swarm or Grizzly. If I were picking the one I thought had the best chance to sell, I'd say Kaine or Boomerang. Tombstone seems like a good mix to me of sellability (my new word) and favoritism for me. Still, you've got to admit, a sculpt of that old Nazi, pile of bees would look sweet.
(I never said why...)
Wiccan: being my favorite of the Young Avengers, for reasons I've posted on here many, many times, it seems. Don't want to beat a dead horse, but I'll just add that he IS in fact, one of my favorite superheroes in general (not just as YA representation.) I'm sure others feel the same and would buy him up.
Uranian: Its very hard for me to pick only one Agent of Atlas, but I went with Bob. I'd prefer him in his current look, a grey version of his Marvel Boy outfit, showing his disconnect from humanity. If I thought we'd get the full team, I'd say just start with Jimmy Woo. Or Namora for her history. Or M-11 because of his great design. ...but then I really like Venus...
Tombstone: See post above. Tombstone or Hammerhead. They both fill that "super powered gangster" role. Again, I'd prefer Swarm, Grizzly... I really do love Spidey's C-grade villains. Slyde anyone?
Gamora: In her current outfit (wink toward Robert.) Honestly, I just love the current GotG. Starlord or Rocket Raccoon would be just as good for me. Phyla-Vel would beamazing.
JJJ: J. Jonah Jameson. The reasons have been listed enough, I think. Definitely deserving, in my eyes.
hey robert :
apart from the fact that we don't think that figurine is suitable to represent drax , do you agree with me that it still looks like a good figurine none the less ?
p.s - still bigging up the j jonah jameson , bring him on , a must have.
then perhaps next extension we can get general thunderbolt ross ?
these two are no ordinary civilians.
Jameson, General Ross and Dum Dum Dugan are as close to "civilian characters" as Black Widow, Nick Fury, Punisher, Ka-Zar... Does The Kingpin have any superpowers? No. It's his influence, persoanlity, and connection to the MU that makes him so deserving of a spot. General Ross has caused as much trouble for the Hulk as Kingpin has for Daredevil.
I doubt this will "open the flood-gates" (as I've heard others say in the past) for civilian characters, because it still comes down to popularity, history and what would make a cool looking figurine. In other words, Aunt May, Justin hammer, etc. would look pretty plain. Dum Dum, JJJ and Ross are TRUE heroes and villains to their opponents with VERY distinct looks.
And, off topic, but Drax does look amazing. That's exactly what I was hoping for. I got into cosmic stories right at Annihilation. I knew nothing about these cosmic character (except Nova) before this and I've been reading anything in space since (pretty much.) And Robert, I've got to say, these are some of the greatest stories I've ever read. You should give Annihilation, Conquest, and War of Kings a try. You'll see why Drax is so perfect.
OMG! Lady Sif and Tigershark, thank you Rich you have made me a very, very happy man. Tigershark has only one costume everyone associates him with but I would like Sif in her silver outfit (Kirby style), it would be in character with the other Asgardian figurines.
Don't care too much for other collections except the excellant idea KirlianEyes had about different Marvel Arcs such as Planet Hulk(obvious), Marvel Zombies, Marvel Apes(don't laugh!) or Marvel 1602. I think these would be awesome and make great figurines.
Just recieved Crimson Dynamo and Enchantress and love both of them, they look outstanding and now I want the Executioner and the Titanium Man.
Oh yeah, let's have the 200th figurine to be Stan Lee and Jack Kirby leaning over a desk on a shared base. Do it Rich, don't think about it, just do it. If you build it they will come.......
Sif and Tigershark are two very solid choices. No complaints there.
I am glad the subject of multiple accounts has been brought up. It can be very hard sometimes reading the blog comments because, quite frankly, many of the posts make absolutely no sense and the decent posts get drowned out.
I guess EM have four more picks now. Hoping you will include some cosmics like Gamora and Vance Astro and also a MK like Brother Voodoo. But cannot leave off Photon!!!!
Mad Thinker, I haven't seen the sculpt so I can't comment on it. I am assuming there was a poll on the forum that led to Drax in his modern incarnation but I still would much prefer the Drax from the first Thanos War.
Okay, John, I'll take your advice. I've been thinking about buying the Annihilation stuff and since I have recommended comicbooks to you guys in the past, I'll buy it next pay day.
By the way, John, excellent point about Kingpin. If we are talking about the influence and impact of civilian characters on hero/es then JJJ, Ross and Rick Jones are dead certs. And if you talk about sheer volume of appearances then you also need to consider Wong, Jarvis, Aunt May, Gwen Stacy, MJ, Dugan, Gyrich, etc. And I'd like alter-egos like Tony Stark, Peter Parker, Bruce Banner, Steve Rogers, Don Blake and a few others to stand next to their heroic counterparts... hang on, is that groaning I can hear...?! :)
While I'm not at all a fan of JJJ, I do like the idea of alter ego's and civilians being made into figures. A lot of characters without super powers or special abilities, etc have still made a significant impact in their respective series.
@Colossus: Yep, it was their idea. The Cuckoos are such brilliant little girls. =')
Young Avengers: Wiccan
X-Force: Elixir (I liked him in New Mutants and X-23 has already been made lol)
X-Factor: Monet
OK, I'm playing BobDiamond game.
Heres' my votes...
Guardians of the Galaxy:
I don't care about this team, at all. But if I must choose, it's
Victor Mancha
Young Avengers:
Hulkling (but if he needs to be a special, then my second choice is Wiccan)
Soviet Super Soldiers:
Invaders: Whizzer
DRAX ?? No , it's not Drax , it's Kratos from the " God of War " video game ! :( Poor Jim Starlin.....
Returning to the subject of a previous post, i.e., the fact it seems to be getting harder to buy this collection in my comic shop, I'm just back from FP and for the third time somebody said to me, "Sorry, no Enchantress figures. They should be in on ..." That's two out of the last three figures I've had to go onto eBay to get. I never had to use eBay before. A rather worrying pattern is emerging...
Also, had a look at the GoG TP. No one looks like they should look! I'm still going to try it but I can hardly recognise Drax, Warlock, Adam or Gamora.
Sorry, listed Him twice there!
And the votes keep pouring in!...
Guardians of the Galaxy
Starhawk 1
Jack Flag 1
Vance Astro 1
Gamora 1
Yondu 1
Nico Minoru 4
Victor Mancha 1
Young Avengers
Patriot 2
Kate Bishop 1
Wiccan 2
Hulkling 1
Soviet Super Soldiers
Darkstar 2
Red Guardian 1
Vanguard 1
The Inititive
Gauntlet 1
Scarlet Spider(s) 1
Dani Moonstar 1
Trauma 1
Komodo 1
Warpath 2
Domino 1
Elixir 2
Caliban 1
Strong Guy 2
Wolfsbane 1
Layla Millar 1
Monet 1
Shatterstar 1
Blazing Skull 2
USAgent 1
Spitfire 1
whizzer 1
Agents of Atlas
Uranian 2
Namora 1
I feel just like Jonathan Dimbleby (..or is that David ??)
Sorry to hear FP not stocking the figurines Rob, but why buy off eBay? Surely its more expensive with postage? Wouldnt it just be easier to subscribe...and cheaper too?
As for the alter-egos, I wouldnt mind them...maybe a 2 pack with their super hero identity too, in a different costume/pose we have had before. Justifies a dull looking figurines by adding in another that is cooler.
Bob Diamonds game
GotG - Phyla-Vell
Runaways - Karolina Dean
YA - Patriot
SSS - Darkstar
Initiative - Thor Girl
X-Force - Warpath
X-factor - Wolfsbane
Invaders - USAgent
AoA - Namora
Mighty Marvels game
Brother Voodoo
It think Forge is a favorite at the moment to get in the extension.
Should be confirmed soon,pointless to include him in the next poll.
Also x-men villain AVALANCHE to complete the Brotherhood line !
i disagree. i want forge in, i really do. but EM should take into account what is likely to get in through the forum poll. the x-men fans who aren't regular contributors on the forum come out en masse at poll times. this generally leads to at least 2 x-characters getting through. if EM confirm loads of x-men themselves when you add on what gets through in the poll it makes extensions too x-men heavy. forge and domino are nigh on certs from the forum poll and if either one is confirmed by EM then the votes they would have got will likely go to the next most wanted x-character. probably longshot. to guarantee as diverse an extension as possible EM should not confirm any more x-men heroes imo. hopefully we'll get an x-villain from EM
Here's my top five for Mighty Marvel's game:
LAWay, I may have to consider subscription if this continues. Thing is, I like to occasionally opt out of buying some figures as a protest against costume choices. Like tattoo Drax.
Mighty Marvel - You cant complain on a poll if an xmen character wins. Since fans are buying the collection, the favourite deserves to win, regardless. It just shows who is more popular. If there are a lot of X fans, it means that alot of X fans are keeping the collection going, so I have no complaint.
People saying they dont like Drax. I havent researched his look throughout the ages, but I wouldnt mind a green Kratos to my collection. :)
mighty marvel's game- 5 choices showing a range of 'groups'...
1.Orig. Swordsman (mag. documenting all Swordsman incarnations). AVENGERS
2.Orig. White Tiger (Mag. same as above). MARVEL KNIGHTS
3.Starhawk. Guardians of the Galaxy- old and new. COSMIC
4.Silver Samurai. X-MEN (villain)
5.The Uranian/Marvel Boy. 1950s/OTHER
All Classic characters, with long histories (B-listers at least)
laway - i'm not complaining about an x-character winning the poll. i'm an x-men fan myself and want them in the collection. all i'm saying is that i think EM should take into account who is likely to win the poll and make their choices accordingly to avoid getting too many of one group in the collection
I actually think EM should announce Forge or Domino. It would end up making the upcoming polls more interesting. Right now Forge and/or Domino are almost a sure thing. If EM announces one of them, then the following polls become a great deal more interesting. At least IMHO.
Now for the games...
Bob Diamonds game
GotG - Rocket Raccoon
Runaways - Molly Hayes w/ Old Lace
Young Avengers - Hulkling
Soviet Super Soldiers - Ursa Major
The Initiative - Reptil
X-Force - Warpath
X-Factor - Longshot
Invaders - Blazing Skull
Agents of Atlas - Gorilla-Man (Ken Hale)
Mighty Marvels Game:
Dark Beast
Rocket Raccoon
DRAX looks awsome on the forum.
Very happy with the end result.
Thanks to my very good friend Hel or should I say Ms.G :0) I was encouraged to do a Captain Britain conversion.
As for me being wanted in Russia and South Africa ... she meant in a business sense not a criminal one.
Now that I've cleared up that, please check out the links here to 3 images of my Captain Britain mod.
I used a DC Green Lantern as the base model with a small amount of of metal removed and a little remodelling of the head.
I would imagine that robert may be interested in a peek.
As for Marvel Girl ... nice pose and a very good update.
Excellent announcements for the extension.
Update time!
Check out those guys who have reached 3 or more votes!
Guardians of the Galaxy
Starhawk 1
Jack Flag 1
Vance Astro 1
Gamora 1
Yondu 1
Phyla-Vell 1
Rocket Raccoon 1
(No-one taking the lead here yet...)
Nico Minoru 4
Victor Mancha 1
Karolina Dean 1
Molly Hayes (w.Old Lace) 1
Young Avengers
Patriot 3
Kate Bishop 1
Wiccan 2
Hulkling 2
Soviet Super Soldiers
Darkstar 3
Red Guardian 1
Vanguard 1
Ursa Major 1
The Inititive
Gauntlet 1
Scarlet Spider(s) 1
Dani Moonstar 1
Trauma 1
Komodo 1
Thor Girl 1
Reptil 1
(..or here.)
Warpath 4
Domino 1
Elixir 2
Caliban 1
Strong Guy 2
Wolfsbane 2
Layla Millar 1
Monet 1
Shatterstar 1
Long-Shot 1
Blazing Skull 3
USAgent 2
Spitfire 1
whizzer 1
Agents of Atlas
Uranian 2
Namora 2
Gorilla-Man 1
'Ooooh!...I'm excited Tommy, I'm excited!!' (reference meaningless to anyone under 35 or not from Blighty...sorry)
Hey Bob... what do you think of Captain Britain?
The Moss Men have a huge range of DC and Marvel figurines.
On the subject of resculpts, how about repaints of DC figurines to provide alternative character poses for the Marvel Collection.
As you can see with my Captin Britain minor mod, you can end up with a result that is quite pleasing.
Foir instance the huntress has more than a passing resemblance to Jackpot.
PS thanks for SIF
Hi DP!
I saw the pics. of your Cap Britain, and I must say I am VERY impressed! Looks like a real Pro. job.
Well Done!
I just wish I had the patience... By the way, you must have done this quite fast, as I've only just got my JS Green Lantern.
Right then DP, you are now summoned to vote in both my and mighty marvel's games...(you know you want to!)
Didn't you give C&B their first big chance on telly, Brucie Bob...?
Here you go Bob,
Red Guardian
Original - Nikki
New team - Bug
Nico Minoru - as seen on the cover of Mystic Arcana
Young Avengers
Kate "Hawkeye" Bishop
The Initiative
Thor Girl
X Factor
Strong Guy
Hey Robert check out my Captain Britain images
Nice choices with Sif and Tigershark.
My wishes for the next five...
1)COUNT NEFERIA!(Classic and one of the most powerful Avengers villians, tough enough to take them all on atht esame time)
2)Vindicator-Heather Hudson (Alpha Flight)
3)US Agent (Avengers)
4)Red Guardian (Defenders)
5)Thunderbird-John Proudstar (X-Men)
Flickin' heck, Deadpool, that's bloody amazing! Well impressed with your Captain Britain. Looks very professional - "minor mod" my ass. I considered doing a modification to make an original Cap some time ago but knew the chest lion, wristbands and mask detailing was waaaaaay beyond my abilities. Seriously impressed. If they run modification competitions on the forum, surely that would win unless you are up against the Puppet Master in disguise?
I may well have given C&B their first TV gig Rob, but with all my shanigans with Anthea and Isla, I find the 70s a bit of a blur...I am 107 years old after all...
Thanks for the list DP, and because your Cap Britain was so Amazing, I'm going to allow BOTH Nikki and Bug...I am becoming very generous in my extremely old age...
Time for a nap,
Brucie Bob
Ps. We need your vote Rob!
"A lot of characters without super powers or special abilities, etc have still made a significant impact in their respective series."
Not even on their own series, but JJJ has shown up with a lot of influence all over the place. Not just in person, but with the way the Daily Bugle floats through comics. I would absolutely LOVE a Wong figurine, but aside from his Doc Strange appearances, he's pretty scarce.
And I've got to throw out a voice against alter-egos. I feel we already have representation in these characters in their superhero alter-ego. I don't need Tony Stark standing next to his suit. There's a big difference between some of these civilians and civilians we already have representation of.
KIRLIANEYES, thanks for the Sleepwalker support. You just know that figurine would look sweet. To everyone else, check out his appearance in Marvel Team-Up (happened just before Speedball became Penance) for a great Paco Medina interpretation of him.
And Bob, thanks for the Uranian support ;)
DB, your repaint looks sweet! Very impressive!
And I love how all these votes for the Initiative members are so spread out. It tells me that the writers really did their job at making all characters interesting and exciting rather than 'one break-out character.' It also means that if their ever was a poll that included them, they'd be so far spread out that no one character would get the nod...
@mighty marvel, sorry but i have to disagree with you regarding the polls. I don't think EM should try and guess who will make it in because there's no guarantee (Tigershark is evidence enough of this, he's been robbed the last 2 polls where most collectors would have thought he was a sure thing). I have to agree with Laway on the subject, whatever characters get chosen on the forum have the fans support. Now with that said i'm not advocating for more x-related characters this extension, well maybe just a
Here is the Wants and Requests Poll 161-180 extension thats been running for a while now.
TOP 20
Tigershark.....40 ( now confirmed )
Magik..........38 ( now confirmed )
Silver Samurai.27
Hydroman.......25 ( now confirmed )
Mockingbird....25 ( now confirmed )
Cpt Mar-Vell...26
Beetle.........22 ( now confirmed )
Wizzard........20 ( now confirmed )
Karnak.........18 ( now confirmed )
Grey Gargoyle..17
If Domino or Forge dont get confirmed and it goes to the polls, think that it could be a sure thing that both can win the next official poll easily,they are clearly favorites.
Just wanted to say a Big Thank you for doing the Modarn look Drax. Really like the look of it :-D
Out of politeness, I had not taken any involvement in the poll, Bob. However, now that you're asking...
Runaways. I know zero about who or what this is, sorry.
Young Avengers, Agents of Atlas, X-Force, X-Factor and Initiative. No interest, sorry. I have bought all the Avengers Initiative issues and the Atlas/ Avengers mini-series but it's left me cold.
Soviet Super Soldiers. Ah, much better! Red Guardian (male) would be my first preference, although I'd be equally happy with Darkstar, Vanguard or Ursa Major.
Guardians. Almost zero interest in modern incarnation and small amount of interest in originals.
Invaders. I'd love to see the original team. No interest in the modern incarnation.
Are you sorry you asked, Bob...?
P.S. I know the above sounded negative but I was very happy with Sif and Tiger Shark and I like most of the names on jimbob's list.
look, i'm an x-men fan. it's probably my favourite area of the MU and i want forge and domino in the collection. but the collection also needs to be diverse and not get swamped under in x-men and risk alienating the non x-men fans. i agree there's no guarantee of getting someone like tigershark in the poll. but the x-characters are a different kettle of fish entirely. they always get in through the poll. look at how far ahead domino and forge are in the requests poll, even before the casual forum members, who all seem to be x-nuts, have gotten involved. EM should take this into account when choosing their last 5 or else it runs the risk of having 7 or more x-characters in the extension which most people would agree is too many.
personally i would rather run the (very small) risk that forge and domino don't get voted in through the poll to guarantee a more diverse extension
I take my hat off to Mighty Marvel for looking beyond his own interests and preferences in the interests of fairness. I just posted about my disinterest in some of the modern characters but I will accept their inclusion without a grumble if they are popular and it means no one "family" dominates the collection.
Excellent point, well made mighty marvel.
@Deadpool: Captain Britain looks amazing, you did a wonderful job! The pain job looks really well done.
@John: "And I've got to throw out a voice against alter-egos. I feel we already have representation in these characters in their superhero alter-ego. I don't need Tony Stark standing next to his suit."
I'll admit I made that statement without giving much thought, but now after thinking about it...I'd have to agree. As much as I like Spiderman I don't see myself getting Peter Parker, or Tony Stark, Matt Murdock, etc. I do like the perspective you have on JJJ, you're right, the Daily Bugle is incredibly influential. I just personally really don't like his character that that totally doesn't mean he shouldn't deserve a figure. I can't think of any other civilian character who deserves it more.
I would like to see a Mary Jane though.
Also, I keep hearing the word "forum" Is that a phrase you guys are using to call this blog, or is there an actual forum out there? If so would someone be so kind to post or e-mail me a link?
I would love to join.
@ one-of-three
go to
Thank you, Mighty Marvel. =)
Also, I meant "paint job" not "pain job" but depending on how long it took you, that could work too. ;)
Woohoo typos.
Nice custom there DP!
No problem Rob!
But you can still pick your favourite WW2 Invader, and I believe you have a bit of a 'thing' for Gamora? nudge, nudge etc. So she could still count in the GotG bit.
Ps. Got to say I love the original 'fish-net' body-stocking look for Gamora too!
...but I don't want to be accused of corrupting the voters..!
Good night everyone,
Awesome custom Deadpool!
mighty marvel, you make some good points, i'll take your word for it that the polls tend to come out x-dominated. If that is the case then i see your argument and EM should take that into consideration. If we end up with the top 3 leading the polls right now, Domino, Forge and Arachne i for 1 will be very happy :)
Rich could always confirm one, like Domino, then say that forum votes must go to non-X-Men characters.
And I'm hoping (not sure about this) but I'm hoping that when it comes time to go to the forum for another 3, that we get to recast our votes. With 7 out of 20 already being confirmed, I'd like to see where those votes would have gone.
I cant see it tho,a non x-men poll?
About 80% or more of the collectors are x-men fans so thats a big gambel for EM to leave x-men related characters out of the poll.
X-Men characters are their best selling product by far.
The extension regular line up is diverse already so there is no need for this at the moment.
Destroyed: Drax The Destroyer.
Aaargh, I've just seen the sneak preview of Drax... in his modern incarnation. Why??? The Seventies-style Drax had much more gravitas and charisma, and the costume was so iconic. I always thought that the new restyled Drax was a damp squid, nothing more than a silly green alien variation on Blade, a vacuous exercise in character revamping - executed on order to a corporate brief rather than through inspiration. I mean, c'mon. Tattoos and knives. As in, let's make him current and cool. Who on earth at The House Of Ideas thought that the character needed to turn into that??? It is a pity, and I am upset that the CMFC had to include this version. What next? The modern tattooed version of Karnak as seen in Secret Invasion? Aaaaaargh!
"Seventies-style Drax had much more gravitas and charisma, and the costume was so iconic."
Iconic in that it was a purple version of Adam Warlock's costume accessorized with Trap Jaw's belt from He-Man? Yeah, don't see it.
"Rich could always confirm one, like Domino, then say that forum votes must go to non-X-Men characters."
Must? No, sorry I can't agree with that. I want the collection to be diverse, but if the fans want to vote 3 X-Characters in even if Rich announces 3, then so be it. Them and the Avengers still have the largest number of characters not addressed as of yet.
I wouldn't rule out the X-characters from the polls either. Out of 11 characters, only Magik is from the x-universe. Well maybe Northstar too but I consider him in the "Alpha Flight" section.
Don't get me wrong, I love how spread out in the MU this collection is, but if it brings the total of X-characters to 4, I don't see any problem there.
Have to agree in principle with Kirlianeyes. His original costume is infinitely better than some tattoos and knives.
One other thing, CBRBeast:
Drax the Destroyer's first appearance, Iron Man #55 (Feb 1973).
TrapJaw's first appearance, 1982 (some internet sources are saying 1981).
So, Drax didn't accessorise with Trapjaw's belt, Trapjaw accessorised with Drax's. It's a bit unfair to blame Starlin/ Drax for folk ripping off features of his costume.
Good news about Sif and Tigershark for the collection.
Had a look at Drax on the SHFF and .... I think he looks very good,just my opinion mind you.That makes him the third member of the new G.O.T.G. after Warlock and Moondragon by my count, excellent stuff, the more cosmics the merrier.
DP really liked your Cpt. Britain custom,i may have to attempt one myself someday.
Robert,if your having trouble getting figurines from Forbidden Planet in Glasgow,you could try Red Hot Comics, i was in Glasgow last October and picked up most of the figurines i needed to bring my collection up to date at the time,they were very helpful.
Starhawk or Yondu for the extension.
Good tip, Bagman. The two issues that I bought on eBay were from...
Red Hot Comics!
I've only had one so far (Jack) and it arrived pretty quickly and undamaged. Enchantress should be on her way today, hopefully...
It was a bit of a drive from Knightswood to get there, wife wasn't to happy, why she thought i wanted to look at shoes is beyond me. They also have the D.C. figurines as well and a lot more besides, would like to have one here in Melbourne, i,d never be out the place.
Bagman, you mentioned Adam Warlock, Moondragon and Drax as members of the new GotG. However, won't it be slightly incongruous that Adam is in his classic Starlin form, I believe Moondragon will be in her classic green costume, and Drax will be, um, very modern? I know they are still technically the "same" characters, but...
P.S. Haven't been to Red Hot Comics for a few years (I tend to use Kollectibles in Parnie Street for old comics) but may have to start detouring there on Comic Shop Day (Saturday). Don't want to keep shelling out extra postage on eBay, do I?
Bob's game
GotG- Yondu
Runaways- Don't know this team so it really doesn't matter to me
Young Avengers- Patriot
Soviet Super Soldiers- Titanium Man
The Inititive-MVP
X-factor-Strong Guy, but i'd be just as happy with Wolfsbane
Invaders-US Agent(Blazing Skull is a close second)
Agents of Atlas-I think Namora would be the best one to start off this team even though i prefer Gorilla Man and M-11
Mighty Marvel's game
1)Jigsaw- I think Punisher is the only A list hero not to have one of his foes so far (plus i think he'd make a really nice sculpt)
2) Whiplash/Blacklash- We haven't had one of Iron Man's villains since Crimson Dynamo and i think we're due (n with the movie just being released he may appeal to old and new collectors alike)
3) Silver Samurai- We need an x-villain and he seems to be the most popular at the moment, although i'd be just as happy with Selene or Shaw
4) Patriot- My top choice for YA
5) Vance Astro- My cosmic entry
I was really tempted to pick a Spidey character since that is my favorite genre but i wouldn't be able to
Bagman, yeh, it's not exactly central. The first time I went there it had just opened and I cycled. Not knowing the area, I got lost numerous times and it took hours to find. I was kind of disappointed when I did eventually walk in. I had visions of a vast Indiana Jones and the Lost Ark-type warehouse...
Yep, technically speaking Warlock is in his original costume and Moondragon will slot in with the Avengers, but i'm still pleased that the modern G.O.T.G. are in, just need the originals.
Unfortunately down here in Oz postage just comes with the distance either from the U.K. or the States, one shop here has started getting figurines but they're about two months behind you guys there. Still it's worth the wait.
Distance from Melbourne to Red Hot Comics: approx. 10,555 miles.
Distance from my house to same location: 10.6 miles.
Can't believe I was moaning about the detour!
The things we do to get these figurines eh!.
I am depressed by this choice, it is not mythical Drax! A shame!
I'm not saying that the modern Darx sculpt isn't good. It'll make a great figurine. However, with that street-cred design, it does not look distinctly Marvel. It looks like it could belong in any comics from DC to Dark Horse.
My point is, if Marvel wanted a green dude with tattoos and knives, did they really need to use classic Drax for that? In my opinion, it's a very bad exercise in character revamping. Unless Marvel dictated the choice, the CMFC didn't have to go for the modern version. This was a case where the classic design should have been respected, again in my personal opinion.
And if modern versions musttake priority over old versions, can someone explain why we've got a classic Luke Cage (uuurgh) instead
of the very cool modern one?
Ted, you probably know this, but there's also a great shop for old comics called Kollectibles down at the Trongate area in Glasgow. It's only about ten minutes' brisk walk from FP. It sells lots of old comics in great condition, many of them not on display, so if you don't see what you want, just ask and the friendly guys that work there will probably bring it up for you from the basement! (Sorry, that sounds like an advertisement.) A1 comics (formerly a.k.a. comics) is only a few shops away from Kollectibles, too, and it has loads of new stuff.
As for next Saturday and Cup Final Day, if you are in FP and see a guy with a motorcycle jacket with a large red "SD" badge on it, please say hi!
Ted and Robert and anybody else for that matter,In Glasgow there's also FUTURESHOCK down on Woodlands rd., near Kelvingrove underground station, haven't been there since 1987, but i'm sure it's still going,spotted it from the bus heading into FP last year.
I thought Futureshock was in Byres Road from the 1980s until three or four years ago, when it moved to its new location, which is Woodlands Road (I think)? I used to get my Dreadstars in there. The bearded guy who worked there used to violently stuff his new comics into racks so that they were mangled. I normally enjoy the banter with comic shop staff but he always reminded me of One Flew over the Cuckoo's Nest and I couldn't get out fast enough.
On the subject of comic shops, did you guys hear about the comic fan who walked into his local comic shop dressed as Spidey, saw someone stealing comics and grabbed the thief? It was in Australia, I think, about a week to ten days ago and the headline read something like "Spider-Man Foils Crime".
Actually, reminds me of another story from the USA a few years back. A customer walked into a comic store wearing a Spider-Man mask. Guy behind counter casually says, "Hi, Spidey!" and then carries on reading a comic. The customer then leaves the shop - with a copy of Amazing Fantasy #15 in his bag! Later, the guy in the store had to give a description and couldn't because, obviously, the thief was masked. Next day a sign went up: "Sorry, folks, no masks allowed!" I hate the fact the thief got away but love the idea that a guy can walk in wearing a mask and no one thinks it's weird.
That " spidey incident " happened in Adelaide, the owner saw the guy stealing an x-men book and told the other customers to block the door, the other customers just happened to be 4 guys dressed as Jedi complete with light sabers, the would be thief was stuck between Spiderman and Jedi Knights. Made big news here. I would liked to have seen the look on the would-be thiefs face when he tried to leave.
The Jedi knights weren't even mentioned in the very brief news report I read, just Spidey. Makes it even better.
Just googled the Adelaide comic store story and found it on BBC News website.
It says that the owner, dressed as Spidey, leapt over his counter, shouted out to a group of Jedi Knights, who jumped into action and blocked the door, "while the Flash watched on".
And the moral of the story: if you're in a pinch, don't expect a DC hero to help you out!
To be fair maybe if the thief had done a runner The Flash may have been useful!!!
I love the idea of a Street Fighter collection I am a huge fan of the games and comics. I was just wondering if you can consider maybe a Mortal Kombat collection if possible.
" to be fair if the thief had done a runner the Flash may have been useful"
Most chucklesome Bagman :) :)
Good one, Bagman!
Monday up-date time on the 'BD Lesser-known Super-Teams' poll...
Guardians of the Galaxy
Starhawk 1
Jack Flag 1
Vance Astro 1
Gamora 1
Yondu 2
Phyla-Vell 1
Rocket Raccoon 1
Bug 1
Nikki 1
(Yondu taking the lead!)
Nico Minoru 4
Victor Mancha 1
Karolina Dean 1
Molly Hayes (w.Old Lace) 1
Young Avengers
Patriot 4
Kate Bishop 2
Wiccan 2
Hulkling 2
Soviet Super Soldiers
Darkstar 3
Red Guardian 3
Vanguard 1
Ursa Major 1
Titanium Man 1
The Inititive
Gauntlet 1
Scarlet Spider(s) 1
Dani Moonstar 1
Trauma 1
Komodo 1
Thor Girl 2
Reptil 1
(..and Thor Girl Taking the lead here!)
Warpath 4
Domino 3
Elixir 2
Caliban 1
(Domino catching up!)
Strong Guy 4
Wolfsbane 2
Layla Millar 1
Monet 1
Shatterstar 1
Long-Shot 1
Blazing Skull 3
USAgent 3
Spitfire 2
whizzer 1
Agents of Atlas
Uranian 2
Namora 4
Gorilla-Man 1
(Namora well in the lead!)
What could be more exciting?!..Paint drying you say?..
Dark Brucie Bob the Diamond Geezer
I had not voted for the Agents of Atlas, so please count my vote for the Uranian. Many thanks.
Heres a update of the special poll from the forum so far.
Sauron 39
Lockjaw 33
Mojo 28
Strong Guy 25
Warpath 22
Odin 21
Atlas 14
Dragon Man 12
Hulkling 10
Interesting debate on the X-characters. I fully support the idea of leaving the forum to vote for the XMen and having EM pick some MK and cosmic characters who probably won't make the grade.
The last extension we had an every-character-in-the-hat style vote. But maybe we could do what we did for the 121-140 extension and that was a category style vote. If EM tell us what three families to vote for we could draw up a list of 20-30 characters from each set and the best scoring from each family wins. That way a balance is retained. IF EM said they want the forum to pick 1 Xmen ally, 1 cosmic character and 1 Avenger ally then that should be a diverse enough set to keep everyone happy.
"That way a balance is retained. IF EM said they want the forum to pick 1 Xmen ally, 1 cosmic character and 1 Avenger ally then that should be a diverse enough set to keep everyone happy."
I think that puts to big a limit on what can be voted for though. Especially when there's a pretty major lack of X-Men and Avengers villains. I think the poll we had last time worked out fine. It got us Spiral, Toad, and Moondragon. Three very important Marvel character.
Excellent news about Lady Sif and Tigershark, Marvel Girl is looking cool too.
Here are my picks for BobDiamonds game
2-Victor Mancha
4-Red Guardian
7-Strong Guy
8-Blazing Skull
P.S., my usual request for Howard The Duck please.
Here's an up-date on the up-date!
Good to hear from you Hood, I was wondering if you were going to join in. By the way, you can also give an 'Agents of Atlas' character too.
Guardians of the Galaxy
Starhawk 2
Jack Flag 1
Vance Astro 1
Gamora 1
Yondu 2
Phyla-Vell 1
Rocket Raccoon 1
Bug 1
Nikki 1
(Yondu and Starhawk neck and neck!)
Nico Minoru 4
Victor Mancha 2
Karolina Dean 1
Molly Hayes (w.Old Lace) 1
Young Avengers
Patriot 5
Kate Bishop 2
Wiccan 2
Hulkling 2
(Patriot running away with this!)
Soviet Super Soldiers
Darkstar 3
Red Guardian 4
Vanguard 1
Ursa Major 1
Titanium Man 1
(Red Guardian takes the lead!)
The Inititive
Gauntlet 1
Scarlet Spider(s) 1
Dani Moonstar 1
Trauma 2
Komodo 1
Thor Girl 2
Reptil 1
(Thor Girl's got competition from Trauma!)
Warpath 5
Domino 3
Elixir 2
Caliban 1
(Warpath back in serious lead!)
Strong Guy 5
Wolfsbane 2
Layla Millar 1
Monet 1
Shatterstar 1
Long-Shot 1
(Strong Guy right out in front!)
Blazing Skull 4
USAgent 3
Spitfire 2
whizzer 1
(Blazing Skull leads!)
Agents of Atlas
Uranian 3
Namora 4
Gorilla-Man 1
(Namora leads, but Uranian catching-up!)
How much more can you take?!!
Well here is the extension character representitves at the moment.
Beetle - Thunderbolts
Hydro-Man - Spider villain
Karnak - Inhumans
Magik - X-Men
Mockingbird - Avengers
Northstar Alpha Flight/Xmen
Puppet Master - FF Villain
Shanna The She-Devil - x-men?
Sif - Asgardian
Tiger Shark - Avenger villain
Wizard - FF Villain
There are a few x-allies there.
EM does seem to forget about the x-villains?
AVALANCHE - finish the brotherhood
SIVER SAMURAI - Stunning costume
EXODUS - Cool charater
"And if modern versions must take priority over old versions, can someone explain why we've got a classic Luke Cage (uuurgh) instead of the very cool modern one?"
I think I read somewhere that they didn't want it to just look like some guy in street clothes. I can't remember where I read that though. May not have been EM. Makes sense though. Cage has no distinguishing features in his current look.
As with the GotG, I am all for the modern Drax. Granted, I never read the old stuff. I believe that the tattooed version is the 3rd physical form the character has had, and I don't know how long the Starlin version ran for...
Anyway, and this is all opinion, each form looks incredibly different. I'm sure there are people out there that read Drax now, like me, that wouldn't recognize the old one. I think his current look is a lot cooler, whereas the Starlin version looks (my apologies) very, very lame. I simply wouldn't want that to represent this character that I've grown to love. Moondragon and Warlock are in older costumes, but they're still very recognizable. I've also grown very fond of both of them, but can fully except these older costumes. I would have preferred a Warlock with pants, but hey...
jimbob :
northstar has not been 100% confirmed yet , especially not this extension.
just been talked about that's all , and it was said that we may get him but don't know if he'll be single or as a twin pack with aurora.
"Rich could always confirm one, like Domino, then say that forum votes must go to non-X-Men characters."
I was just offering suggestions. A lot of people were worried about it getting too X heavy. I thought this way there would guarantee a balance.
"[X-Men] and the Avengers still have the largest number of characters not addressed as of yet."
I've got to disagree with you there. Aside from who's already been addressed... I have an Avengers shelf, a Spidey shelf, a cosmic and FF shelf, villains, X-Men, and sort of an other. The X-Men shelf is really running out if room. I've got Deadpool and Guardian in "other," Lilandra in "Cosmic," Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver in "Avengers," etc., and still I'm running out of space. Their corner has the MOST representation, easily.
As for the number of characters not yet addressed, well that all depends on what you read. I could give you huge lists of characters that I feel should be shoe-ins for the collection, but these are all opinions.
All that said, Magik really is the only X-Men character so far, so I wouldn't really mind. I'd still prefer someone else (especially over Forge) but I could deal with it. If that's what the majority wants...
Mad Thinker, I believe he said that if Northstar did not come as a twin pack, expect him to be included this extension.
Because I'm persistent, I threw together a quick sketch on what I think a good Special Figure of all three Stepford Cuckoos would look like on one base. I think they'd make a pretty good looking figure.
What do you guys think? (Ignore any anatomy errors, etc. It's just a quick sketch.)
Amora arrived this morning. Crackin' figure. Definitely one of the best looking women so far. The circles on her leggings are much les pronounced than on the official site, but a minor quibble. This just makes me desperate for Skurge (the best death in comics, I say) and other Asgardians, especially the Warriors Three.
As a suggestion, why don't we ban any mutants for a year or three and just have Asgardians in their place instead? :)
I think a Special of the Cuckoos is kinda pointless. A regular that people can buy multiples of if they want like Madrox makes more sense. With the huge number of special and mega special sized characters that still need to be addressed in the line-up, tossing a special towards characters that can be regulars just seems like a waste. Much like the Jonah Hex figurine for the DC collection. Let's not encourage more of that.
Especially when there's so many X-Related Specials left that can fill the slot instead. Such as:
Ch'od & Cr+eee
The Fury
Shadow King (Astral)
Strong Guy
Sugar Man
Aw, I was more asking your opinion on the look of it, not really what you thought of it as a good idea or not but I suppose that'll have to do. To be honest, I'd be happy with either a regular or a special.
Though, it's not just like Madrox at all, each Cuckoo is a different person unlike Madrox who goes by the same name. The Cuckoos are also the "Three-in-One" which means that all three of them are collectively also one character.
Just having only one of them made seems like a lazy way of getting them out of the way, which is what I expect people who aren't fans of them to want to do. =( You can't just have one Cuckoo and it would be more expensive to those who want to collect them to have to buy all three individually.
Also to be fair, aside from two of those super specials you listed, I find the rest of them to be completely pointless as well. lol I guess it's just up to personal preference in the end.
How is it lazy? They all look exactly the same and outside of Esme, all pretty much have the exact same history up until they started diverging more as characters. The magazine can easily cover all 5 of them, since they don't have that much independent history. Making them a regular allows people to buy 1 or 3 or 5. Rather than forcing people to drop the likely Mega Special price on a trio.
You do make a very good point there. It does leave the collectors more room to decide exactly how many Stepford Cuckoos they want, and on that note it could be potentially good for sales. Again, I would be happy either way since I would indeed throw the money down for three of them.
I still would rather prefer to have all three of them on one base, since I feel this way they would stay true to the characters they are. They're never apart from each other long, and they're a hivemind while at the same time having their own personalities. It's because they share the same history that they should be included together, especially since the magazine would be about the "Three-In-One".
Selling only one figure with it doesn't seem quite right.
Whilst I love the Stepford Cuckoo's myself, when you put them in a heirarchy of specials yet to be made then they come pretty low....sorry. If this collection gets to 250+ then I say give them a chance but honestly I want Mojo, Atlas, Terrax, Lockjaw, sauron and many more before them.
@ CRbeast - The categories I gave were just for example. It all depends on who the final four characters EM pick are. We still haven't had an x-villain as you said....personally I want either Deathbird or Exodus as both of them have a WWWAAAAYYY better backstory and history than others like Avalanche. Sebastian Shaw and Selene are also very well developed characters who I would like to see.
I ams till waiting for EM to confirm a few cosmics. We had Quasar and Moondragon last time and I feel we should have two more this time. Vance Astro seems a likely inclusion but Gamora is also a big contender. please please please lets utilise this area of the MU because it is just so awesome. The stories being churned out of the cosmic landscape recently have been outstanding and we haven't had such good character development for many of these guys like Drax, Quasar, Starlord and Mantis in years and years. Strike while the iron's hot.
If we're talking about cosmics, possibly even two, I'd hope that a Herald would be a strong possibility. After the Surfer, I think Firelord has had the longest and most prominent history in the MU, so he'd be a logical pick. I'm guessing here, but maybe Nova (Frankie Raye) and Terrax run a close joint second, with Air Walker next in popularity.
Even though my dream of the Infinity Watch has been wrecked by tattoo Drax, I still harbour some hopes of seeing Gamora and even Pip appearing one day...
You are so persuasive that you are winning me over eith the Stepford Cuckoos idea!
They could be on a shared base, in a sort of 'Charlie's Angels' type pose, but with one hand on their foreheads to show the psychic stuff happening.
You are right in saying tht they are not duplicates (like Madrox), but they are a Collective, and should be designed as such.
I believe they would make an interesting and original addition to the collection.
@BobDiamond: I'm glad you like the idea! I was thinking the exact same thing (I even posted a quick sketch here a couple posts up detailing the pose and whatnot), but they would be more Emma's Angels if anything. ;)
As I've said before, The Stepford Cuckoos are a unique spin on Telepathy, and in turn would indeed make for a unique figure to the collection. I posted something in the campaign topic on the forums about it in detail if you're interested in reading it.
@Gremlin: Don't be silly, there's no need to apologize. It's your opinion and I respect that. I'm glad to hear that there are fans out there. =)
I honestly don't care for (or haven't heard of some of) the characters you mentioned that "need" a special first, but that's just my personal opinion.
Sorry to interrupt the Stepford Cuckoos Fan site - only joking, One-of-Three! - but where are Thor8 and Jacadoo? I don't think either of them has posted for at least a week. It seems Pirate Adam has also gone, which is a shame. Even our merc with a mouth has gone lost his voice.
Was it something we said...?
Yes, I've been wondering where the guys have been too...especially Thor8, who I don't think has been on here for ages...
So to cheer everyone up, here's another BD tried-and-tested Perfect10 List!
This one is ...
Top 10 Female Martial Artists!!! (Hubba, hubba etc.)
1. Mantis
2. Moondragon
3. Leiku Wu (MI6)
4. Lotus Shinchuko(SoTT)
5. Elektra
6. Black Widow
7. Lady Bullseye
8. Psylocke
9. Colleen Wing
10.Misty Knight
Hope you enjoyed that!
Sensei Bob
Awesome list Bob
One of three, you are very persuasive...i'm starting to think you might be using some sort of powers on me, because i have to admit i'm starting to want the Stepford Cuckoos, and if you would have asked me a month ago i don't even think they would have been on my radar. I really like the idea of having 3 on one base and the "Charlie's angels" type pose but highlighting there telepathy (nice suggestion Bob).
Although,i'd like to see Sauron, Strong Guy, Mojo and Onslaught before the Cuckoos.
ok so this extension so far includes
ten confirmed characters so who do we want the other ten to be ?
1- beetle
2- hydro man
3- karnak
4- puppet master
5- shanna
6- magik
7- mocking bird
8- wizard
9- sif
10- tigershark
11- lionheart
12- red guardian
13- brother voodoo
14- longshot
15- j j jameson
16- blastaar
17- gamora
18- diamond back
19- patriot
20- nova - frankie raye
As far as specials go;
Madame Web
2 Packs:
Northstar and Aurora
Colleen Wing and Misty Knight
Jackal and Kaine
Jimmy Woo and M-11
Cobra and Mr. Hyde
Groot and Rocket Raccoon
Wiccan and Hulkling
I like the idea of the cuckoos, but there's just too much I want to see first. :(
looks increasingly likely that northstar will be in the regular line-up so my choices would be
1- beetle (t-bolt/masters of evil)
2- hydro man (spidey villain)
3- karnak (FF ally)
4- puppet master (FF villain)
5- shanna (x-men ally)
6- magik (x-men)
7- mockingbird (avengers)
8- wizard (FF villain)
9- sif (asgard)
10- tigershark (masters of evil)
11- northstar (x-men/alpha flight)
12- forge (x-men)
13- silver samurai (x-men villain)
14- swordsman (avengers)
15- brother voodoo (marvel knights)
16- nico minoru (runaways)
17- vance astro (cosmic)
18- moonstone (t-bolt/masters of evil)
19- owl (knights villain)
20- JJJ (spidey villain)
and my most wanted specials
madame web
death (holding mar-vell)
brood queen
shadow king
and 2 packs
ulysses/elsa bloodstone
misty knight/colleen wing
Seems to be a mixed reception to our choice of costume for Drax. Sorry to those who wanted the 'old skool look', but we deliberated on this for a while and decided the modern look was right for this particular character.
1. The old costume is one of many characters that have that classic 'Superman' cape look, and we felt there may be a chance he could look a bit naff. We felt there was less chance of this with the new look. (he does look pretty cool IMO).
2. He had just been part of the Annihilation storyline and had his own limited series as well, I doubt Marvel would've given him his own title in the old costume. Plus lot's of nice solo cover art for me to use in the magazine ;)
3. We were under massive pressure from EM money men to make the figurines smaller as we had had a spate of large figures that were over the limits of what a normal figurine was deemed to be (Beta Ray Bill comes to mind - he was nearly turned into a special because he was so big - but Rich got out of that one by making his cape out of polyresin (which is a lighter material) he's still heavier than a normal figure (btw i actually prefer the finish of polyresin - retains more of the original sculpt detail).
Rich seems to walk the line between what EM want and what you guys want - it's a tough job, but someone's gotta do it!
Anyway, we started to fear we may not be able to make figures with capes ever again (as that takes up a heck of a lot of lead), so we thought Drax in his modern costume would solve that problem.
I think in all, we made a good solid decision with the restrictions we had at that time - he may have not made the cut otherwise.
Now we have the option of polyresin capes we can continue to bring you future caped crusaders - although we obviously reserve the right to choose the non-cape version of a character ;>)
Cool. Polyresin cape....I never thought that capes were such a big deal. Can't wait to see what he looks like. I have seen blurred images of him but nothing decent for months and months now.
I for one like the modern Drax. As you said his old look was a bit naff and his modern is pretty much the reason why he is in at this point.
There are loads of Annihilation storyline fans out there that are glad for modern Drax look!
Makes the old Drax look ridiculous!
Dan The Man, thanks for the explanation. If production costs can influence your character choices so much, personally I would be happy if you increased the price to £6.99 in line with the DC figurines. It does not seem right that a character's version with a simpler costume is chosen for financial reasons. I would be happy to pay an extra £1 if it means that a character can have all the distinctive features (capes, gadgets, wings, etc)
that are iconic and the best possible representation.
If a character Looking at the DC collection, it seems set to give us the best possible incarnations of characters ... and lots of capes
Oops, it looks like the second paragraph in my post above has suffered cut & paste problems and it does not make sense! I wanted to say that the DC collection is including lots of caped characters (if their most iconic costume includes a cape) like Raven, Robin, golden age Green Lantern, etc. I value the effort, and it seems to me that it justifies the £6.99 price per figurine.
Let me start with an analogy. If we were collecting car models, it would be absurd to claim that the Lamborghini Countach, for example, is naff. Its design is Bertone at its best. It is hugely iconic precisely because it encapsulates all the design elements of the Seventies. A classic. Judged by modern criteria, it is a cumbersome wedge-shaped monstrosity, and there is no doubt that modern sports cars of today look much "cooler". However, it would be unthinkable for any car model collector to do without the Lamborghini Countach or to replace it with one of its many modern variations.
The golden-age Drax The Destroyer designed by Starlin is like a Lamborghini Countach. A classic.
While I like modern Drax, and yes he looks very cool, I feel that the golden-age version was more suited to a collection known as "Classic Marvel".
Or... we can start a new debate.
My personal preference would be to include modern and golden-age versions of a character if the two versions are dramatically different. Take for example the Robin versions and the Green Lantern versions in the DC collection. After all, Drax has been literally reincarnated, so the golden-age one and the modern one can be perceived as two separate characters. I would love the CMFC to use a similar approach in some selected cases.
@ Bullseye81: I'm glad to convince another person! Probably means my "Telepathy" is having an effect over the internet too. lol Also, it's totally fine if you want other things before, but at long as people think it's a good idea, I'm happy with that. =)
@John: Another one to the list it seems. I'm glad people are starting to like the idea.
@Dan The Man: Just the person I was waiting for to post! How did that talk with Rich go? I know you didn't promise me anything more than discussing the Cuckoos with him, but I'm still just overall curious on how that went. I'm perfectly fine if it goes either way. =) I also posted a sketch of the three girls a few posts up in this blog if you were interested in checking it out.
Your honest feedback would be greatly appreciated.
@Everyone: I know I've been going on about the Stepford Cuckoos since I started posting here, but I just think it's important to share opinions and ideas. I most definitely enjoy reading a large number of posts on this blog.
@John: In all of my Cuckoo-ness, I forgot to mention that I'm totally on board for a Northstar and Aurora double pack. You have my support there.
Really appreciate Dan the Man coming on and explaining why we ended up with the modern version of Drax. While I understand that the recent "costume" (or lack of) has appeared in mini-series and a limited series, I still don't agree, though.
1. I'd like to reiterate Kirlianeyes' comments about cost. I'm slightly alarmed by the idea that the cost of making a figure can have such a role to play in the choice of incarnation and that the team even talked about not making characters with capes! I know this is a business venture for Eaglemoss but that's a worrying precedent to set. If necessary, a price increase must be looked at.
2. I completely disagree with the opinion that Drax looks "naff". This is purely a subjective argument, and both the original costume and modern costume have followers. Unfortunately, one camp was going to be disappointed.
3. I fail to see how green skin, some tattoos, a knife or two and a pair or breeks makes a more distinctive look than his original costume. I just don't get it. Apart from the green skin, you can meet folk like that in any UK city centre on a Saturday night.
4. "I doubt Marvel would have given him his own series in his old incarnation." If Starlin had come along with a mini-series idea for Drax, it would have probably happened. It being the '70s, this would have been in the pages of Marvel Premiere or some other feature comic but it could have happened. Especially if you threw in Thanos and the Avengers, who Drax co-starred with in the first Thanos War.
I suspect that most of the division of fans on this is on the basis of age: those who grew up with the original look, who read the Iron Man, first Thanos War and Captain Marvel appearances, accept it as Drax. Those who know Drax from the modern series and have only seen the original costume on reference sites or in flashbacks are the ones most likely to disagree and prefer the new look.
With Cloak and Dagger only a few days from release , A reveal must surely be in order.
The updated Cloak and dagger images are on various sites already. Basically Cloak now has black and blue stripes and Dagger has her eye tattoo.
haha EM money men are literally cape killers.
I have a theory...
EM have stated that'capes' are expensive accessories, and therefore some kind of 'cape-tax' may need to apply to the poor, down-on-his-luck superhero who has one...hence our friend Drax, having to go without in these hard times.
And (theory bit..)this would also explain why the 'The Cloak and Dagger' double seems to be so expensive (£3 more than for 2 singles!)-it's because poor old Cloak is basically all just, well, cloak.
Henceforth I believe the following characters should be made without any cape-like garment!
The Hood
The Shroud
and The Crimson Cowl !!
We must avoid the Cape-Tax at any cost!!
BD has spoken!
I've just seen the updated Cloak and Dagger and I've gotta say the improvements are fantastic. Cloak looks alot less static now his cape has been painted differently. I can't wait to add these guys to my collection, even if I do wish they were on seperate bases ;) LOL!!!
I'm really hoping this weeks update will give us a reveal of either Moonstone or Shaman but if I had to put my money on anyone I reckon Avalanche will get the nod soon.
Any chance of Blob sculpt preview?
Avalanche is a must for the extension,just need him to complete the Brotherhood so we can all move on and focus on other teams.
Regarding capes, I know I can't be the only person who has seen The Incredibles lol
You're doing the telepathy again. that sketch you drew cemented the idea in me just how nice of a figurine the three could make. I'm not even a fan of the Cuckoos but I already feel like I'm ready to spend my money on a special of them.
I'm really enjoying the collection, but I cannot understand why we don't have yet a Thunderbird figure to complete the All-New All-Different X-Men. It's the only one left!
Maybe it's because there's not enough material for the magazine (although I could argue this point), but maybe you could pair him with his brother an make an apache two-pack.
I'm excited about Marvel Girls design as it's one of my favorites.
As for new characters I'd like to see Pixie make it in.
I'd also like to see Eaglemoss expand to other large collections such as G.I.Joe (non movie please) or maybe even Transformers (still non movie) as both could be quite large collections that would help keep the cost down.
@Colossus: I'm glad I could convince another non-fan that they'd make a good figure. ;) Honestly, it puts a smile on my face to see people even consider it, since as of right now that's all I'm looking for.
Just simply wanting people to open their minds to it. They'd make a pretty awesome figure.
Also, the Incredible's mention made me chortle. From that standpoint it's true, capes are bad news. Especially while flying next to an airplane with large turbine engines.
@Hanomag: I didn't really enjoy Pixie's character until New X-Men. The entire deal with her losing part of her soul and the wise cracks around it made me enjoy her. I wouldn't mind seeing a figure of her show up sometime in the future. Right now though, I have a goal set. lol
@ Captainfur - Whilst Thunderbird is an iconic character he was incredibly short-lived and at this point doesn't deserve to be included above others like Forge, Wolfsbane or even Dust. In fact his alternate reality Exiles counterpart was more developed than he was.
The best chance for him would be in a doublepack alongside Warpath.
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