Wednesday, 27 March 2013

just popping in to say hello/goodbye...

Hey bet ya thought I was gone forever?

I've been more busy than ever over the last month working on issues 8 and 10 of the Marvel Fact-Files (my first issues). Yes the secret is out - that's my destiny for the next 2 years!!!!

There are 4 of us (2 editors and 2 designers) split into 2 teams doing alternate issues to try and manage the weekly schedule. I work on the even numbered issues, but we all chip in and plan the issues together and try our best to make sure they are coherent and factually correct (not always possible on such a tight schedule!)

Like you guys, I was sceptical of it's merits in regard to the CMFC.
Having now worked on it for a month I am beginning to see how this could turn into a really nice collection. Of course it's never going to replace the CMFC, but as something to work on it's better than' Chandeliers Of The World' (I made that up btw). And it's something for Marvel fans to hopefully get in to.
The first issue has done better than expected and it seems to be a success at this early stage.
Bare in mind there are lots of new Marvel fans out that that didn't even know the CMFC existed!

I'm not a total EM drone, so I do have certain (personal) problems with it (mainly 32 pages every 2 weeks as opposed to the CMFC 16 pages, which takes a lot of work, you might say "ah but you don't have to deal with the figurines" But, I do have to commission the gate-fold cutaway artworks that grace every issue - so that takes up a shit load of time in research and communicating with the artists involved. (Just commissioned a War Machine armour cutaway and Dr. Strange's Sanctum Santorium.)
It's also very complicated trying to get your head around the way the thing comes together in the folders - every card has it's coded place in the chapters - so this can get a bit tedious. Also I thought a thicker even laminated card would be better than the thin paper, but hey who am I to stand in the way of progress :)

Here's a very, very rough idea for the Sanctum Santorium. This was scrapped in favour of a full length shot of the whole building with cutaway views of all the levels.

And here's just a detail from the War Machine cutaway...

I'm not going to turn this blog into a Fact Files advert - so don't worry I won't be updating regularly, just thought you'd like to know what's going on.

As for the competition I STILL WANT TO DO IT and I have a simple plan to execute, hopefully I will get around to it soon (imagines picture of Sonic the Hedgehog crossed arms tapping foot).

It will involve a 2 part question to be e-mailed with name and address and I will reward the first 10 with correct answers prizes beyond you wildest dreams (or a broken Crystal perhaps). I've got a box of various figurines that will be shared out amongst the luck few! PS the 10 winners will be in descending order of prizes (e.g first place gets 6 figurines, 2nd 4, 3rd 3 or whatever).

Anyway best get back to the real job. All the best for now and Make Mine Marvel!


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Hawkeye said...

Hi - Iam getting the DR Who collection (not through subscription though) and have the first three. The Matt Smith was a bit meh, but the Davros and Cyber Controller are very nice figures and the Weeping Angel one is next. Got the first two Star Trek ships as well but two collections is a little pricey so I'm now concentrating on the good Doctor.

The Mad Thinker said...

Yes , great looking figurines but I wish that the Cyber controller was not leaning over.
It makes me want to take him off of the base and then glue him back on so that he stands up straight.

Unknown said...

And it looks like it will all end with a sour note here in South Africa. After 8 years of subscribing to both the dc and marvel collection I was told by the useless f**kers at eaglemoss that the last 6 marvel specials Mojo
Northstar and Aurora
and the last 3 dc specials
will not be released in South Africa :(:(:( I for one will be glad never to hear the name eaglemoss again

If anyone knows where I can lay my hands on these, if anyone is left, pleeeeeaaaaase let me know.

Thor8 said...

Well I said my goodbye's awhile back, but for a fellow blogger like you Lars I will make a brief comeback and let you know that a supplier of mine still has Northstar and Aurora double pack and Mojo speccial available. Sorry to say that just this week they sold the last Clay face and Giganta specials they had available. Wishing you the best amigo and a found hello to all my mates in the blog, Thor8 siging out (again)

Thor8 said...

Oooops! Never post a comment while battling a legion of trolls. I completely overlooked charting down the previously mentioned supplier. It's Good luck Lars!

Get thee back thou vile trolls!

CGJ said...

I've got a spare Skurge boxed and unopened Lars. If you want I can find out postage

sed tallis said...

i have an unopened spare Giganta, pay the postage and your welcome to her Lars

Unknown said...

Wow! Thanks so much for the feedback guys! CGJ and Sed I would definitely be interested. How can I get ahold of you to figure out postage etc? Thanks Thor8, I will definitely check them out!

Victor said...

Just popping in to say hello... :)

Unknown said...

Hey Victor! I must say that is a fine looking Lockjaw! Is he one of your customs? Would love to see more pics. He is one of the customs I have been working on for a few months, but nowhere near as nice looking as yours.

Unknown said...

Thanks to Thor8, Northstar and Aurora almost ordered (just waiting for price on S&H). Sed and CGJ I would definitely be keen on the Skurge and Giganta specials. If you could let me know the shipping by mail ( I will sort you out via paypal or whatever suits you. Thanks again so much guys. You have given me new hope that I will be able to complete this collection after all! :):)

CGJ said...

Will let you know tomorrow Lars. To South Africa?

sed tallis said...

Hi CGJ i've asked Lars to arrange shipment, as this requires me only to slap a printed label on a box. if you find a quote fer less than £30 let me know which courier ( pigeon or otherwise) you get it from.
Hey remember swap shop? well any of you eejits stupid ennuff to trust me?
i got 2 Armoured Batmobiles from the Automobilia collection, the first 2 star trek ships. Any one want tae swap, wouldn't mind one of those Bowen mini busts, they sell on ebay from £20-£50 ish. I'll leave this open til next Friday then pop them on to fleabay if no takers. contact me at

CGJ said...

Friendly neighbourhood postie quoted me less than a tenner today Ted to send it on it's own in the box that EM shipped it in

CGJ said...

Hi Lars, sent you an email but not heard back from you. Just checking you received it because I'm not sure my email account is sending and receiving emails properly.

Unknown said...

Hey guys. Thanks I did receive both your mails, but didnt have a chance to read them properly as I was rushed into hospital last Friday with some super bug attacking my system. All is well now and was discharged yesterday, so I will definitely get back to you as soon as I am back at the office.

Deadpool said...

I am currently subscribing to Fact Files, Dr Who and Star Trek. All three colelctions are excellent.

The next Fact Files Special is THOR - I get this automatically as a subscriber.

I would certainly recommend CMFC collectors to get their hands on teh Fact Files special figures, they are superb.

Bye for Now ...



The Mad Thinker said...

Deadpool :

The thing is , you have to be a subscriber to be able to get your hands on the spiderman and iron man figurines , and I don't see why I should subscribe to something that I couldn't give two hoots about just to get the damn figurines.
I don't think it's fair that the others ( wolverine ) + ( doctor doom ) are available to buy on the web site , yet spiderman and iron man are not.
And lets not forget that a while back , eaglemoss offered us the spiderman figurine at £2.99 as a limited edition , then decided not to send them out even after people tried to purchase one.
They have no idea of customer service whatsoever.

Unknown said...

Is this the end? 2 weeks with not a single post :(

Robert said...

Hi, guys. Anyone still out there?

Unknown said...

I am. Check in every day in the hope of some activity, but alas there hasnt been a lot. The rest of my time spent in vain bidding on ridiculous e-bay auctions to try and get the issues that I am missing. So far no luck :(

Robert said...

What issues are you missing, Lars?

Robert said...

Hang on, just checked back and saw what you're missing, Lars. I don't have any of those, sorry.

Bagman said...

Hi Robert, good to see your still around, how's things?

Robert said...

Bagman F.F.F.! Ah, good to know you're still around!

Yeh, doing well. Been a good year what with picking up a pile of art from Perez, Buscema, Ezquerra, Layton, Byrne, Trimpe, John Romita junior, Sinnott, etc. And my articles were in March's Back Issue.

Had a furry addition to the family called Larry Lieber, and he is pals with Jack Kirby. They live indoors. Stan Lee and Holly Golightly live in the garage as they are hooligans!

How's Tina and life for you both?

Bagman said...

Yeah life’s good here in Oz, been an interesting year – family wise.
Congrats on the article in Back Issue, I think I came out here in Oz About a month after the UK, amazing the depth of knowledge that Some people have about the Marvel Universe. And it was great to seeThat wrap round cover, hopefully you got a framed version of it.
Your artwork collection sounds as if it’s really coming along, last
Thing you mentioned to me was the RECORDER/AVENGERS cover.
Still trying to finish the collection got about five/six figurines to go and Started getting a few customs but they’ve taking a back seat at the moment
As I’m trying to get the rest of the TOON TUMBLERS released at the
New York Comic-Con, they’ll turn up eventually.
I take it the new furry friends are Rabbits?

Robert said...

Yeh, bunnies. Much easier than children!

Forgotten I had told you about the What if...? cover. Been a while. Have two commissions from Sal now. Picked them up a couple of months back. Cap and Spidey.

Great to know you are both well.

What about the other guys like Jacadoo, Adam and Thor? You heard from them? I see Thor was checking in until recently.

Bagman said...

Not sure about the Warriors Three,I see the occassional post from Deadpool but that's about it.
Since the collection ended things kind of trailed off.

Robert said...

Yeh, I have to admit I lost a lot of interest myself when I heard the collection was ending. Drifted off onto other stuff and before I knew it, I hadn't been on here for... Actually, I don't know how long it's been.

Eagle said...

Hi guys,

I am still around.

Unknown said...

Good to see some familiar "faces" are still around and well. Just received Firelord and Spidey 2099. Only three to go now :( Maybe the hunt for my last remaining specials (Mojo, MODOK, Terrax and Giantman) are a blessing in disguise as it will keep the collection going for a little longer for me!

Thor8 said...

Lars; Never let it be said that a prince of the realm has forsaken a comrade in collecting. I'll be keeping an eye out for the figurines you are missing and will let you know where to get them ASAP. I just recieved Blackheart, Domino, X-23, and Nico yesterday and Hammerhead, Dazzler, Typhoid Mary, Pyro, Silver Sable recently. I had decided not to purchased these but had a last minute change of heart now that the collection has come to an end. I just need Lady Deathstrike and (ugh) Drax to have the complete regular line, Man- Thing to complete the specials, and Mojo (ugh blah yeuck) to complete the megas.

Very happy to hear from you again Robert you had vanished without a word and I was kind of worried if something had occured. Gald to know that is not the case.

I said my goodbyes awhile back, but I had said I would check in once in awhile, so with you and Bagman popping up, and Las in need of assistance I have answered the call. So salutations to all, and I wonder if Dan s's still working for EM!?

Robert said...

Ah, all hail Thor8, our spiritual and moral leader!

Good to hear from you, Thor, and good to hear you are well.

I am sure I said I was leaving, though. I distinctly remember saying that knowing when to leave a party was a valuable life skill and that I had no wish to still be hanging around here after everyone was gone. Which I suppose I have reneged on by posting again!

Thor8 said...

Robert; sorry for forgetting that you did say farewell, but hey you have to forgive a guy whom happens to be a few milleniums old if his memory tends to get a little hazy once in a century.

Robert said...

No need to apologise, Thor8. Just didn't want it to seem like I just rudely disappeared.

Have Adam or Jacadoo been on recently?

Robert said...

Eagle, were you the guy in front of me at LSCC 2012 with the Steranko FOOM poster for Stan to sign? Been trying to remember...

Jacadoo said...

Ho says the Olympian!!

How are things Roberto, you asgardian trickster not only do you do a vanishing act then Thor8 up and leaves!

I still check in and as it's memrobilia this weekend in Birmingham I started to feel melancholy about the blog and decided to check back in.

It's great to see so many legends (even if they are asgardian scum....) back on the blog.

I just wish for the old days.

Did anybody buy the Thor special from the fact files?

I got one, I feel dirty all over as it's superb.

Thor8 have you seen this figurine yet?

Robert said...

Ah, that made me smile broadly. Good to speak to you again, Jacadoo. Been much too long.

Okay, that's Thor8, Bagman, Jacadoo, Eagle and Lars. This feels a bit like the Magnificent Seven getting together!

Who's next?

Eagle said...

Hi Robert, no I was not the guy that you saw. I hope he did not steal your place, or something...

Robert said...

No, nothing like that, Eagle. He was just faster getting to the line. I was sure he was on here but can't remember who it was now. God, my memory just gets worser and worser...

Unknown said...

Feels almost like old times again! Now all we need is word from Dan! Thor, my Northstar and Aurora from TOW has arrived in the country! Eagerly awaiting my parcel to clear customs. CGJ posted my Skurge a couple of weeks back so hopefully that will arrive soon too. Thor, I find myself too wondering if I really want some of the specials and Mega specials, but the completest in me takes over and says YES! I know I will regret it in years to come if I do not finish the collection. I deeply regret the day that I declined to receive the Dark Phoenix Jean Grey variant. Have you seen how much they are going for????? Saw a DC Lobo special going for 100 GBP on e-bay yesteday! Makes me wish I had ordered a couple of extra of those and stashed away for my retirement! hahaha.

Cheers for now

Jacadoo said...

Lars fully agree I purchased lots of figurines to customise, now they are so valuable I'm almost scared to cut their arms and legs off !!!!!!!!

Thor8 said...

Nice to see the old gang popping up again. I wonder if Pirate,Diamond,Venom,and Blake will show up.

Jac, I have the THor fact files special placed on advanced order and should be receiving him soon(hopefully). Would like to get my hands on the Iron Man and Spider-Man specials as well.

What do you guys think about the new Thor movie?

Robert said...

It's been getting positive reviews, even from fanboys, but I didn't like it all that much. A bit too Star Wars in places (since when did Asgard have large defensive guns?), the Warriors Three were really the Warriors Two as Hogun was written out in an early scene, there was too much comedy undermining the drama, and, well, you get the idea. I just don't think they've managed to capture the character yet. The Iron Man and Cap films were much stronger, in my opinion. Happy few people agree, though, as I want all Marvel films to be successful.

Very excited about Cap 2.

BobDiamond said...

Weird the things one does to keep busy...over the last few months I've been doing a Power-Point on The you realize that there are over 110 'official' Avengers, and that's not counting 'Honourary', Dark,AI...etc??
God knows who I'm going to show it to- already bored my wife to got to say it's great to hear from you guys again.
Robert, seen the Thor film. Liked it, not loved it. It was a bit Lord of the Rings meets Star Wars. Beautiful views of Asgard however. It's Cap I'm looking forward to most however.
Got the big Doc Doom, but not Thor or any others. Doom's pose was the deciding factor...
Anyone actually still reading the comics still? The Infinity Event is probably the best event story for decades. Thanos is actually a force to be reckoned with again.

We've just got to have an old style game to keep things flowing...

Cheers for now,

Robert said...

Great to hear from you, Bob. You were always one of the cornerstones of this blog.

Surely someone would be interested in the Avengers PowerPoint? Even CBR Comics or a website? Wouldn't mind seeing it myself. Fans love lists. As we regularly used to prove on here!

Feeling all nostalgic with all the well Kent faces that are re-appearing...

Unknown said...

I now hold in my grubby little paws, probably only one of two in my country, Northstar & Aurora!!!!! Thanks for pointing me in the right direction Thor8. TOW was a pleasure to deal with and didnt take the piss with the shipping (although it was still more than the item itself). A little banged up from the long trip but nothing a bit of TLC and a pintbrush wont sort out. 1 down, 8 to go :):):)

Unknown said...

Its like Christmas!!! Thanks to Chris (CGJ) I now have Skurge to add to my collection. You are a legend and I will be forever in your debt. Thank you so much. 2 down, 7 to go!

Have an excellent weekend everyone!

Thor8 said...

Robert said; (since when did Asgard have large defensive guns?)

Thor8 says; See Thor circa #'s 154- 157Feels almost like old times again!

Lars said;Feels almost like old times again! Now all we need is word from Dan!

Thor says; After 8 months without a post? Highly inprobable if not impossible.

I wonder were the mischevous Sed is these days, and what has he been up to.

Code word is emsongs!!! Is Eagle Moss planing on publising music books?

LarryS said...

19 Nov: Robert said "Eagle, were you the guy in front of me at LSCC 2012 with the Steranko FOOM poster for Stan to sign? Been trying to remember...".

25 Nov: LarryS says: "Nope, however the guilty party is still around. I know, because it was (drumroll) me!"

Robert said...

Of course! Sorry, Larry, as everyone on here knows my memory isn't worth a used web shooter.

Thor, I'll need to check out those issues later. In fact, isn't that around the time of the second Recorder story arc with Galactus?

Thor8 said...

It's during the first apperance of Mangog, and yep, the Recorder does indeed make an appearance.

Robert said...

You're right, Thor, although we're only talking three panels in #157 (from my quick skim). In #155 they use a gargantuan arrow, not a ray gun. The rest of the time it's swords and failed cavalry charges.

Even though this proves that there is a precedent for ray guns in Asgard, I still think Thor 2 goes against the grain in terms of the usual (and I stress the word "usual") Asgardian weaponry of choice and the issues you cited basically agree with the exception of three panels on a single page.

Thor8 said...

You're absolutely right my friend. This was just a refferance that automatically came to mind when I read your comment. Don't remember if there are other occasions when such weaponry was shown.

Deadpool said...

And its time for the last word....


BobDiamond said...

.....or not.


Thor8 said...

Well Robert, ever since your return there have been 37 comments in ten days. That's quite a feat judging by the way this blog was going. Would love to see other old time bloggers rear their pointy little heads this way. New comers also welcome.

BobDiamond said...

CBR have just completed their poll on the Top 100 Comic stories of all-time. The top 3 are:
3. Daredevil: Born Again
2. X-Men: Dark Phoenix Saga
1. Watchmen

Certainly all 3 would feature somewhere in my own Top about you guys?

Debate-Master BD

PS...Frank Miller did extremely well in this poll. Interesting to see that this DD story beat not only The Electra Saga, but also Dark Knight Returns and Batman Year One...

Robert said...

Jim Starlin's original Warlocks, Simonson's second run on Thor and Jungle Action by McGregor and various artists.

Miller is a genius. Or perhaps was a genius. No quibble about any of his entries.

Also Born Again is sublime.

Watchmen, sorry, don't get it. Read it a few times and even attended a lecture to try to get to grips with why it's so popular and I still can't help but feel that it's over-rated, as is Moore in general. I know, controversial.

Thor8 said...

Totally agree with Robert about the Watchmen. No matter how I look at it, I just can't see what's suppose to be so great about it.

Unknown said...

Have you guys seen the trailer for the new Amazing Spiderman? Cant wait!

Thor8 said...

Hey Lars have you checked eBay lately? there's this guy from the UK who is selling Marvel and DC figurine and he offers "FREE SHIPPING". I got the last three figurines from the regular line that I decided to buy at the last moment and the two "standard specials that I had not bought up till now. You might want to check him out for your needs.

Unknown said...

99pandbeyond? I did enter a couple of auctions, but they went super high. managed to get my last ones of e-bay from another guys from the states who had really good prices and reasonable shipping. I am all done! :):):)

Thor8 said...

Glad to know you completed your collection Lars. Now you can enjoy the Christmas holidays.

Well I came back to the blog in part to help you whichever way I could in completing your collection and now that you've done that I think I'll take another leave of absence. You know it's a funny thing, but despite that the probabilities are highly against me, I still hold a slight hope that EM will surprise us all with a new series of figurines. Yes I know what your all thinking...."DREAM ON McDuffie"

Unknown said...

Thanks Thor8. Glad you finished yours too. Of course there are always those ellusive variants that we can continue hunting for!

Nothing wrong with dreaming. Although I dont think my wife would think too much of another collection :):)

Jacadoo said...

Thor8 you have your wish - a new set of figurines - well a chess set anyway.

Sorry not for me this time.

Thor8 said...

Nor for me. I was thinking more of some sort of second series of the CMFC.

Unknown said...

Yeah the chess set and the marvel fact files are a bit meh after a series as great as the CMFC. Plus I already have the LOTR one that they did a couple of years back. How many chess sets can you really need :)

BobDiamond said...

To get me interested in a Marvel Chess-set it would have to be something a little bit unusual...I would love to have a SHIELD vs HYDRA/ AIM set for example.

Good Guys:

King-(old school)Nick Fury
Queen- Black Widow
Bishops- Nick Fury Jr (to keep it 'current')
and Agent Coulson (or The Contessa)
Knights- Dum Dum and Agent 13
Rooks- Mandroids
Pawns- various Agents

Bad Guys:

King- Strucker
Queen- Viper
Bishops- Yellow Claw, MODOK
Knights- The Gorgon, Kraken
Rooks- Dreadnoughts
Pawns- Hydra and AIM lackeys

Probably no market for it anyway...but it would be cool.


Thor8 said...

Hey BD how about this one;

Odin = King (natch)
Friggia= Queen (who else)
Thor-Balder = Bishops
Fandral-Hogun = Knights
Volstagg-Heimdall = Rooks
Asgardians = Pawns

Surtur = King
Hela = Queen
Loki-Amora = Bishops
Ulik-Makeleth = Knights
Karnilla-Ymir = Rooks
Trolls = Pawns

I also thought of Thor & Sif as King & Queen as an alternate choice.

BobDiamond said...

A Merry and wonderful Christmas to all you fellow Marvel Madmen (and Women!) and your families. Peace.


Jacadoo said...

Happy Christmas and all the very best Wish's for the New Year.

This looks like its going to be our last Christmas on the blog - so how about one last round of messages to see out this year, where we lost this great collection and perhaps some new year wish's for a new collection????

Anyway take care everybody.

Robert said...

Happy Christmas, guys (gals?).

Hope Santa was good to you.

I've bought my ticket to see Stan next July at London's Comic and Film Con! Anyone else going? It's being billed as his last European trip, and now that he's in his nineties that doesn't sound improbable, so this will be your last chance unless you go to the States.

Thor8 said...

Hope everyone had a very wonderful Christmas, and may The Lord's blessing be with each and everyone of you and your loved ones during the coming new year.

pirate adam said...

Hi guys or whoever is still here, just popped on to wish everyone a happy new year and a quick mention about the collections. I am currently getting the startrek ships but will be canceling it In order to get the hardback collection instead. Plus I still hold out hope that eaglemoss may yet do a StarWars figurine collection but no chess sets for me

well take care guys I may pop back sometime but no promises


Eagle said...

Hi everyone.

Just to wish everyone a fantastic 2014.

Thor8 said...

Would be nice if EM decided to make a G.I.Joe series.

LarryS said...

Robert -

Thanks for the Heads Up about Stan's appearance at the July Con.

To be honest, until your post I had no idea this was happening. So my occasional returns to this blog site have paid dividends in a very tangible way!

I have just bought 4 tickets (myself plus 3 boys) to attend all weekend; plus admission to the Stan talk; plus a couple of photos with the great man.

Unfortunately the Comic Gold Pass tickets seem to have been sold out, so no chance to attend the evening meet-n-greet.

I recall we met briefly at the 2012 Con. So hopefully our paths will cross once again in just 6 short months!

Unknown said...

Happy new year everyone. Back at the grindstone. Hope you all have a super 2014!

Thor8 said...

Observing my CMFC collection in my display and taking in each figurine (including my customs) I started to think of all the characters who would have made great additions to this series. As I thought about this the following inquiry arose in the back of my mind....

Which top 10 heroes and top 10 villians did you truly believe would make it into this collection and were left out?

I let you guys go first and then I'll list mine.

BobDiamond said...

That's a very good question Thor8. It's also quite a difficult one, in that we've got to try to keep from giving our own personal preferences...So, with that in mind I've come up with what I would consider a reasonably believable further extension, based on current popularity, as well as historical staying-power.

Misty Knight
Hyperion (representative of all incarnations)

High Evolutionary
Arnim Zola
Baron Strucker

Personally, I would love to have seen Howard the Duck, (because love him or hate him, he has an iconic place in the Marvel Universe). Also,the original White Tiger, original Human Torch, Starhawk, Killraven, Frankenstein's Monster and The Yellow Claw, to name a few...


Thor8 said...

My villain list isn't quite similiar to yours BD, but the heroes list is 70% similiar to what I had in mind.

I'll wait and see if some others list those whom they thought would make it in, and then I'll post my list.

Thor8 said...

BD: You hit the nail dead center when you stated " in that we've got to try to keep from giving our own personal preferences". This is not a "Characters I most wanted to see", or " my my favrite character that should have been made" list, but rather character that you really believed would have made it into the collection regardles of your personal opinion of the same.

Jacadoo said...

Hi Bob and Thor8

my offering for the missing that should have made the grade goes like:

Asgardian Destroyer.
Warriors Three.
Dragon Man.

Instead we got:


Did I say Wasp?????

Anyway just glad to be able to say hello.

Come on eaglemoss confirm the 2000AD collection.....

BobDiamond said...

Hi jacadoo!
Saw your list of whoshouldabeens, but can't figure out who Magnus is- do you mean Warlock's evil alter-ego, The Magus? If so he would have been a welcome addition to represent those classic Starlin issues- and I know Robert would second that!
Ps Add Immortus to my list- he has been instrumental in so many Avengers epics, and he is essentially a separate character to Kang.
Anyone else having problems with this site btw? ('Site Unresponsive' keeps coming up...)

Here's hoping for more bloggers to return...


Thor8 said...

Well here are the ten heroes and villians i really believed would make it into this collection;


Strong Guy


High Evolutionary
Count Nefaria
Baron Mordo
Living Laser


Dragon Man
Ape Man
Super Adaptoid

Thor8 said...

Let's face it, with one or two comments posted weekly or bi-weekly, I think the time has come to lay this blog to rest.

Unknown said...

Noone can say that we didnt try :) Received issue 200 in the mail last week. A sad day indeed.

SinisterVenom said...

I dunno Thor8, I mean there's still a chance an odd blogger or two might decide to pop in and say hello...


Honestly guys, I didn't know anyone was still on here! Glad to see some friendly faces still around!
I must admit, my return was pushed when I discovered that Stan Lee was going to the Film and Comic Con in July...which seems to be old news to you guys I see! Man, I found out that one really late! Hopefully there's still tickets available!
Anyway, seeing that made me think back to the blog and how we all thought about meeting up at the London Super Comic Con a couple of years ago. I don't know if anyone actually did but I never got to meet any of you last time so I thought why don't we try it this time round? I shouldn't be too difficult to spot as I'm going to be taking my portfolio this year! (I never had one last time) Whether or not I'm going to try and get a costume hasn't been decided yet ;)

Anyway, I'll try and pop back on here more often if I can! Keep it real guys :)

SinisterVenom said...

Before I go, I couldn't leave without taking part in Thor's list now could I! ;)

10 heroes and villains I believed would have made it in the CMFC...ok then here goes, but not necessarily in order...

1. Mantis - With Swordsman confirmed, I was sure she was going to follow.
2. Rocket Raccoon - Surprised? He was mentioned quite frequently on the blog and I was sure he was going to make it in at some point.
3. Lockjaw - I figured he'd be made to complete the Inhumans.
4. US Agent - This was just my personal opinion. I had always thought we'd get him ever since some of the earlier issues.
5. Howard The Duck - A wild card here, but I really thought we were going to get the Duck when we received characters like the Destroyer and the Iron Man movie figurines. I thought Howard was something different and he even somehow had his own film so surely he'll be in the CMFC? Apparently not.
6. Hulkling - This was another that I was convinced we were going to get, especially after Wiccan was confirmed.
7. Heimdall
8. Fandral
9. Hogun
10. Volstagg - Reasons for the last four are I always believed we were going to get more Asgardians than what we did. This wasn't because I wanted them as such (back at first I didn't know much about Thor or Asgard until I saw the first film and I started reading up after that) but because I knew how well received Thor and his stories were so I expected more. Especially through the popularity of the Warriors Three. They must have been amongst the most requested easily! I was surprised we didn't get them in just one triple pack!

Well there's my heroes with my reasons. Now for villains and I expected a lot more villains than I did heroes!

1. Baron Mordo - Top of my list! I really thought this guy would make it in as he was Dr. Strange's main villain besides Dormammu.
2. Crossbones - He carried out the assassination of Captain America! If that's not a good enough reason to see a figurine of him, I don't know what is!
3. Jigsaw - Punisher was also short of a villain of his own so I expected he'd get at least one and Jigsaw was top of my list for him but obviously no such luck.
4. Silver Samurai - A popular X-villain...and I know the X-Men figurines weren't short of them! But I really thought he'd have made it in a lot earlier over some of the other characters that were chosen.
5. Jackal - Responsible for the Clone Saga and was featured on the chart of characters that came with issue 1...I was certain Miles Warren was getting a figurine!
6. Onslaught - I saw his name mentioned on a flyer mentioning specials that featured Thanos, Galactus and Onslaught in that order so ever since then, I thought and hoped that we were getting him. Possibly my biggest disappointment out of the ones we didn't get.
7. Tombstone - Another popular Spidey villain that I thought would make it in before the end of the CMFC. Though I did start to lose hope when I saw how late we got Hammerhead.
8. Mastermind - I figured we would be getting him to complete the original Brotherhood Of Evil Mutants, with this being the CLASSIC Marvel Figurine Collection and all...
9. Whirlwind - I thought him being in the Masters Of Evil would of made him look important enough to earn a place in the CMFC. I believe he was another of the highly requested.
10. Maximus The Mad - The FF had very few villains compared to the others and with the Inhumans doing so well, I thought that Maximus would be guaranteed. Never mind.

And with that I end my huge post! 10 heroes and 10 villains that I thought would have made it in the CMFC, each with their own reason. I'd say that makes up for my absence, wouldn't you say?

Ok I really am going now...need a cuppa after typing all that! ;)

LarryS said...

SV -
I'll definitely be looking out for you & Robert at the Convention.
If you're in Venom costume, that would certainly help...

Jacadoo said...

Gents its been great while it lasted but I have to agree with Thor8 time to put this blog to bed.

Its been an absolute pleasure during the time of this collection but I guess "all great things"......

Real shame we never got the final comp from Dan.

Good luck to you all its been a fantastic time but as the great man said himself.

Nuff Said!!

Thor8 said...

Yeah,it's been fun "blogging"with you chaps here, but it seems most of the gang have just lost interest. Mad Thinker,Ted, Deadpool, Hawkeye,toon, Blake, LAway, Banshee, and many others have just vanished, and those of us whom still post once in awhile do so very rarely. Heck Sometimes I wonder what ever happened to Dan and if he's still working for EM.

Take care everyone, and don't let your collection collect too much dust.

Thor8 said...

Just in case someone is still reading this. I just purchased The Thor Fact Files Special figurine and placed on pre-order the Wolverine and the Captain America specials also.Don't really care much about the Doc Doom special though, not because it isnn't awesome it's just that I only want The Avengers members in this collection. Anyone knows how I can get my hands on the Spider-Man and Iron Man give aways?

Jacadoo said...

Hi thor8 the only place you may find the Spider-Man or iron man figures now would be eBay or Amazon, but be prepared for a shck at the price on eBay.

I have Thor and doctor doom, doom is really cool so if you weaken you won't be disappointed.

Seems such a sad end two of the long term bloggers potentially being the last entries on the blog, but it has been a pleasure battling the many asgardians on this blog led by Thor himself!!

Ho says the Olympian it has been an absolute pleasure knowing you buddy, take care!!

Thor8 said...

So sayth I my most esteemed comrade. I have been more than honored to have met you on this blog and shared many a mirthful battle of wits with thee. May the light of the Bifrost guide thy steps always.


P.S. Does someone actually know what you are going to write on this blog? the code words are actually Sentche (sent ya?) roses

LarryS said...

Come on guys. We can't stop now...

LarryS said...

After the camaraderie and repartee of so many years, it's far more neat-and-tidy to finally put a stop to everything with...

LarryS said...

Comment 500

BobDiamond said...

Yep, we should definitely stop on a big round number like 500!...d'oh


Thor8 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Thor8 said...

Too bad this collection didn't end in that number!!!

SinisterVenom said...

Too bad that this collection had to end at all! Imagine all the new and beautiful figurines we'd have had by now if the collection was still running!

Unknown said...

can't believe you guys are still chatting on this blog!!!!!
that's insane! and kind of amazing at the same time. SORRY I had to leave it all of a sudden, but I was so over-burdened with the new project i was working on that i just had to sever all contact and 'move on' as they say. It was the best fun woking on the CMFC and I'm kinda weirded out that you are still conversing on here!

I'm tempted to post an update just so you can start a new comments section.

All the best for now Dan 'the Man' Rachael.

LarryS said...

Dan? Can it be?

There's a generation who speak of this legendary, mystical figure in hushed tones, uncertain if he ever really existed.

They have awaited his return in glory with breathless anticipation.

They have heard rumours of his promises of competitions and prizes.

Now there are signs that he has not abandoned this humble realm.

A generation turns its gaze to the stars, trembling and expectant.

Thor8 said...

Wow almost a year after his last post we hear from Dan once more. Glad to hear your still around and well.

Not really much to chat about anymore, just some short comments to keep the torch from flickering out.

SinisterVenom said...

Hey Dan! Glad to see you're back after so long! I must admit you say it's weird how we still keep in touch on this blog but what was it that drove you to pop back on here? Not that I'm complaining of course!
I have some suggestions for a conversation you can start...

The revival of the competition

One final extension

Or better yet...the revival of the CMFC!!!

Aahhh we can all dream...

Eagle said...

Hi guys,

Now that I know that Dan is still around and has read this blog,I would like to ask him why did he mention that a competition was going to take place and then just disappeared with a word on the subject.
I think that we deserve a little more respect than that.

Eagle said...

I am sure that you guessed that the word "with" should have been "without".

Thor8 said...

As far as a theme for Dan to talk about, how about The Marvel Fact Files and which characters are being considered for specials in the near future?

As for Dan's absence from this blog, maybe if we politely requested an explanation for it instead of demanding it he will feel better about clearing tis point.

SinisterVenom said...

I believe I read somewhere that the next two specials in the Marvel Fact Files are Captain America and Magneto. They chose Cap first to release around the time of his film so my guess is they'll do the same with Magneto once X-Men: Days Of Future Past is in the cinemas...

Thor8 said...

I have the Thor special and as I mentioned before in a previous post I have Wolverine and Captain America on pre-order. If Magneto is next I think I'll pass on that one as I did with Doctor Doom. I'm planning on just purchasing Avengers in this series, even though those were my plans when I started to collect the CMFC and ended up buying them all.

Unknown said...

I cannot believe my eyes. Thinking I was just going to log on and see no comments for the few weeks I have been away, I nearly fell off my chair to see a comment from Dan. Welcome back! Yes we are a bit of a wierd bunch :)

Unknown said...

Me again, looking for help from any of the gang that is still out there. Just been told by the LCS in the states that I ordered my last special issue from, MODOK, will not be restocking it. If anyone can help me with this last issue to complete my collection I will be forever in your debt.


Robert said...

I can check my nearest FP, Lars. I can phone Saturday and see. Won't be going into town for a week, though, so if they have it I will ask them to keep it until I go in. If you're willing to wait a week, I'm happy to pick it up for you. Assuming they have it, of course.

Thor8 said...

Hey Robert Do you think you could check and see if they have an Iron Man Mark I special and a Man-Thing? And how much they go for?

Robert said...

For You, Thor, of course.

Although I think the odds on them having the Iron Man after all his time are very remote.

Unknown said...

Thanks Robert. Of course I can wait a week. I have been waiting 8 years so far :) The problem I am having is that the places that I have found online that have it dont ship to South Africa, and the one place that did, turned out not to have stock and I am waiting for my credit from them. OTherwise they were very helpful and my Giganta has been shipped, so I am now too almost finished with the entire DC collection.

Thor, if you dont come right, the Iron Man MK1 might be one of the issues that is still available in South Africa strangely enough. I managed to get mine without too many problems. Coincidently I have an extra Man Thing! If you had a MODOK, we could do a swop :):)

Robert said...

If the Glasgow FP doesn't have it, Lars, you can maybe send one to me and then I'll send it to you. I don't see why we can't sort this between us.

Speak to you tomorrow.

Robert said...

Sorry, guys, no luck. Girl I spoke to said they have no Marvel specials left, only DC ones. (I assume she means they still have the standard figures.)

Lars, you still have the option of sending one on to me and I send it to you.

You'll need to put your email up here so I can contact you, although if I were you I'd delete it as soon as I get it.

Thor8 said...

Thanks for trying anyway Robert, I really do appreciate it.

Funny thing I had Man-Thing in my hands quite a few times but passed on it, same goes for the Iron Man Special. I could have gotten then dirt cheap but wasn't interested in them at the time. Now they are very hard to get a hold of.

Hey Dan if you're reading this, now that you know there are figurine freakazods still posting here, why don't you toss a new update like you said you were tempted to.

Robert said...

Changed days on here. Back in the day, saying you had your man thing in your hands would have lead to all manner of innuendo.

Robert said...

Led not lead...

LarryS said...

Anyone at LSCC this weekend....?

BobDiamond said...

I almost went Larry- I've been the last 2 years, but when I saw the list of guest artists/ writers there were very few that I had any knowledge of or desire to meet.
Last year there was Roy Thomas, Neal Adams, George Perez, Herb Trimpe and many more true comic-book legends. I must be showing my age!


Robert said...

Like Bob, I attended the first two LSCCs but didn't manage this year. It was a financial decision for me, although, also like Bob, I thought the guest list this year was less impressive than last year's.

Going to LFCC, though, to see Stan again. Will try get a sketch out of Larsen, too, as he drew the Recorder in Thor #26...

SinisterVenom said...

Last LSCC I went to was the one Stan Lee was at a couple of years ago. In fact that's the only one I've been to. Haven't even been to the one in Birmingham either which is a lot closer to me!

I will also be going to the LFCC in July though. Can't miss another chance to meet Stan and this time I'll be taking my port folio too! :)

Jacadoo said...

Hi Thor8 I am at Memorabilia in Birmingham next Saturday - always lots of CMF figures and almost certainly the Iron Man special.

Happy to pick up for you if you still want?

Jacadoo said...

Oh and as Im still customising - I am nearing the completion of Dragon Man!!

I will post as soon as its painted as I have completely over board on this one!!

We can have a round robin on my efforts??

At least until Dan posts again... and I thought this blog was dead and gone!!

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Robert said...

Got it, Lars. Will talk later, have to go out. Speak soon. Robert.

LarryS said...

Agreed the line-up of celeb creators wasn't as jaw-dropping this time. However there were quite a few quirky features on the schedule. An excellent presentation by the top man of the Kirby Museum about protecting the great one's legacy. A fascinating history of censorship in comics over 70 years from the chief of the Comic Book Defence Fund. One of the stands was a US firm, attending for the first time, which had the original artwork from comix such as Hulk 4, Avengers 4, v early Spider. And some very hot chicks in skimpy Cosplay outfits. On balance, for me at least, was worth the spend.

Unknown said...

Thank Robert. Chat soon

Eagle said...

I need help from the London guys. My son is in London trying to buy some Marvel figures but he cannot find any place that sells them. Can anyone please give me an address?

Jacadoo said...

And so the blog finally draws to an end, take care and let's look forward to the next offering,

Could somebody please turn out the light?

Nuff said!!

Unknown said...


SinisterVenom said...

In the words of our Asgardian brother.....I say thee nay!

Anyone seen Captain America The Winter Soldier yet? I went to watch it last night and it was fantastic! The best Phase 2 film so far in my opinion, with Thor being the second best and Iron Man 3 behind it. Hope Guardians Of The Galaxy turns out just as good!
Next month, Amazing Spider-Man 2! The Marvel film I'm most looking forward to this year!

BobDiamond said...

Planning on seeing it tonight SV. It looks good, hope it does the Brubaker stuff justice.


BobDiamond said...

Certainly did not disappoint!
As good as, if not better than, The Avengers. Excellent cinematic versions of The Winter Soldier, the Falcon and one or two unexpected editions too.....and as usual an intriguing mid-credit scene.
Full marks for this one!


Thor8 said...

Just got back from Tampa Florida. I as kind of hoping to find something of Marvel interest there, but no dice. Sorry I didn't get back to you on time Jacadoo, but just the same I'm grateful for your interest in helping me out.

Well just twenty days away from this update becomming one year old. Man how time flies!!!

Thor8 said...

OOOPS! Boy did I really stick my foot in it in my previous comment. It's been over a year since Dan's last update. I was thinking it was March 7th and not April 7th when I wrote that comment. What came over me I don't know,I don't even drink.

sed tallis said...

haha old habits die hard, got a new fig today,so popped on to the old blog without thinking. TTheCap America fig is fantastic, nothing scrawny about this guy, recommend it without hesitation....oh, it's the figurine that accompanies the Marvel Fact Files :) take care you optimistic munchkins

Jacadoo said...

Hi thor8 no problem at all, I'm not so sure you would have paid the price for the iron man special at £65!!!!!

No way is this figurine worth that much keep searching they are on eBay for max half that price!!

Thor8 said...

Hey Ted, youre alive and well! Good hearing from you again mate.

Thanks Jacadoo I'll keep searching. I'll be receivng my Thor fact files special soon and I just can't wait for Wolverine and Cap to fall into my eager clutches. Tere's also a slight possibility that I get the Iron Man fact files give away. If I do Iwould only need Spidey to have all the Avenger members that have come out so far.

Jacadoo said...

Just purchased the captain America fact files special - WOW!!!!!

I thought Thor was good but the good Captain is superb, if you can get him get him quick - good luck Thor8 old buddy in your quest.

Now when will they make the great Olympian that will be a great day.

Ho says the Olympian !!!!

Thor8 said...

I've seen pics of the ol' Captain and if he's half as good as he seems in them I just know it has to be one heck of a figurine.

I too would like to see the Prince Of Power depicted in this series.

Wish EM would consider making some specials of characters that didn't make it into the previous series, such as Attuma, Ulik, Mangog, Destroyer, Dragon Man, Atlas, USAgent, and others.

Jacadoo said...

I completed my version of dragon man I will post tomorrow on my blog let me know what you think, if anybody is still out there as well as the great Asgardians

Unknown said...

Dear. Master Dan

I would like to ask you something in private. Please contact me if you are available.


Unknown said...

9 years down the line and I have at last received the final piece of the puzzle. MODOK is in my hands! A bitter sweet moment. Thanks for anyone who helped me find the last remaining few issues. I really appreciate it.

Thor8 said...

Hi Lars, glad you competed your collection. Are you planning on getting the Fact Files specials?

Unknown said...

Looking into them, but they are already going for crazy prices and to be honest the 1:9 Dragon kits are far superior, plus you can have the fun of building and painting them. I have almost all of them so far. I will see if I can source the specials locally, as posting on e-bay makes up about 50% of the price I payed for the last couple of DC and Marvel specials. As long as my wife doesnt check my credit card statement I should be fine :)

Thor8 said...

I totally coprehend your sitiuation Lars., but keep an eye out, you never know when a bargain may come your way. I got the Thor special for ony $14.00 and $4.00 shipping.and might get Captain America for the same price.

Unknown said...

Definitely. Still keeping an eye out for a bargain Dark Phoenix Variant too, but I think I be looking forever. Postage to South Africa also seems to be rediculously expensive compared to other places and then of course you still have to multiply all the prices by 10 to get what I am paying :( Damn exchange rate!

Jacadoo said...

20 days and the blog remains in blackout, nobody posting even with the release of a new xmen film!!

Time to say happy trails to all my friends on the blog from over the many years.

Thanks the the great debates and wars of words on occasions, but now it's time for the Olympian to depart.

Take care everybody.

Nuff Said

Thor8 said...

I still check in to see if anyone has posted a comment or two and decided not to be the one to break the ice this time around.

I know I've said my good-byes more than once before on this blog, but maybe this time it should be for keeps. So what do the rest of you guys think? (If, that is, there's actually someone else besides the Olympian out there reading this blog) Should we all just say our final adieu and go our merry seperate ways?

dr emulator (madmax) said...

anyone know if em has stopped doing the cmfc? i have only just started collecting figurines (ye i wish i had started sooner) :-(

Thor8 said...

Okay madmax. who are you really?

Eagle said...

I still read the blog, from time to time.

BobDiamond said...

Hi Thor8, Eagle and anyone else still on here...
I also, keep an eye on this site from time to time. Old habits die hard I suppose, and I've genuinely enjoyed the sense of camaraderie and friendship that has perminated the banter over the years.
However, it is difficult to keep something like this current and vital without the regular input of why we all started in the first place, i.e The CMFC.
So, my question to anyone who is still out there is: What, if anything are you still collecting from Eaglemoss, such as The Marvel Chess Set, The DC Chess Set(s), The Fact Files, Dr Who, Star Trek..etc?
Personally, I stopped with the CMFC, but I did pick up a wonderful Dr. Doom Special Fact File Figurine. The Statue was excellent, but the actual magazine was far inferior to the original CMFC version- which seemed ironic as with this new collection the emphasis should be on the magazine, not the 'free' gift.
Anyway, now that so much time has gone by since the collection ended, I'm wondering if I'd start collecting again- even if they revamped or just continued from where they left off. There's only so much shelf space...Food for thought- how much is too much?

Hope to here from you die-hards sometime,
Take Care,

BobDiamond said...

...I meant 'hear' not 'here'..sorry! ( not great coming from a teacher..)
Embarrassed BD

SinisterVenom said...

I too keep popping on here every now and then. Good to see some familiar faces still around. I'd like it if we can still say a few things on this blog, I know it will never be what it once was a couple of years ago :(

To answer your question BD, I'm still collecting with EM. I'm collecting the Marvel Fact Files, Marvel Chess Collection and Doctor Who Figurine Collection, though the service with the Dr Who one hasn't been brilliant as they've sent me many damaged figs and we're having to wait months for replacements as they go out of stock literally straight away! And yeah that Doctor Doom figurine is incredible huh! I have all the Fact File specials as well as the Iron Man and Spider-Man figurines for subscribing. Magneto is due out next month too! And also the Hulk and She-Hulk special for the Chess Collection is out within these next couple of weeks!

Hope everyone is keeping well!

Thor8 said...

I am purchasing only some selected Fact File specials (those that are Avengers related). Any of you guys in the UK have a way of obtaining an extra Spider-Man and Iron Man special that I can purchase from you?

Unknown said...

Still here :) Also just check in from time to time. HAve started customs now. If you are keen there is a FB group that still posts and discusses all things CMFC. Alive and well! Its called The Eaglemoss Figurine collection. Look forward to seeing you all there!

Stay well

SinisterVenom said...

I've just joined the group Lars. Look forward to seeing you and hopefully more of you guys on there soon! :)

Jacadoo said...

I think we have to finally admit this is the end of the blog - again goodbye and good luck to all the many contributors over the years.

See you all again when Disney start their rumoured marvel action collection - working title.

Nuff Said.

Thor8 said...

Adios a todos mis amigos y colegas en este pasatiempo. Fue un verdadero honor y privilegio haberles conocido, y haber compartido gratos momentos con todos ustedes. (Anyone wants to do the honor of interpreting?)


Eagle said...

Hey, not so fast. I'm still here.

Thor8 said...

No disrespect intended Eagle, but that's exactly what you said a month and a day ago, but just being there does not keep this blog alive. There are supposedly 245 members in this blog but where are they? You're there I'm here Jacadoo's over yonder, Lars is around, but you've got to face the truth out of "245 members" only a small handful still post any type of comment here and even we do so very very rarely and each time more sparingly. So I quess we should just let dead blogs lay.

SinisterVenom said...

I still pop on to see if anyone is still around posting comments a fair bit. I was actually thinking about posting the other day while I was at work but it completely slipped my mind! I was gonna say if anyone has heard of the special Batman figurines that EM are releasing? From what it looks like, so far they've put the character models from the Batman Chess Collection on to figurine bases. Made me think if they'd do anything similar with Marvel like with the Chess Collection, or perhaps revisit the CMFC and add a few we didn't get.
I'm still gutted we didn't get Groot, Rocket Raccoon and Star-Lord. Gamora and Drax look a little lost without them and with the movie looking set to be a smash hit, I think EM will realise they missed an opportunity with those golden characters!

Also did anyone else join that page on Facebook that Lars mentioned above? I'm on there so would be good for us to keep in touch on there or something?

SinisterVenom said...

Well with the last comment being from me over two weeks ago, it looks like you guys were serious about this really being it for this blog. It really is a shame... :(

With the release of the amazing looking Guardians Of The Galaxy next week, it makes me all the more sad that we never got Star-Lord, Groot and Rocket Raccoon to go along with our Drax, Gamora, Ronan, Nova and Thanos figurines. Heck I even hear that Howard The Duck is going to make an appearance in the film as a cameo...

Still missing you guys and if we don't speak on here again, take care and keep cool! :)

BobDiamond said...

Howard the Duck??! Really? I love Howard the Duck! Should have been a figurine....I miss those 'what-should-have-been' discussions...

Robert said...

That's why no one comes on: you're still talking about that bloody duck!!

LarryS said...

Still dropping in occasionally just in case Dan The Man delivers on his competition. He led the collection with panache and integrity, and I remain confident that - one day - the competition will appear like a thunderbolt from the heavens.

Thor8 said...

It was my bithday yesterday so I didn't take a peek to see if someone had posted here. It was quite a surprise to see 4 new comments from some ol' comrades.

Robert, your coment really made me laugh out loud. Glad to hear from you again as well as Larry, Bob, and SV.

I still get mad when I think of all the great characters whom should have been included in this collection and weren't. I'll be trying my hand on a Fandral custom soon. Wish me luck.

Larry I kept hopping for the same thing, but frankly I don't believe Dan will be comming through with that comp. I have lost the faith, though I wish he would prove me wrong.

Well take care all.

Bagman said...

Just when you thought there would be no more comments, people just keep popping up -- great to see.
Been getting some customs done, so far I have STARLORD, ROCKET and GROOT to go with DRAX and GAMORA and I just received STARHAWK and YONDU to with VANCE ASTRO and MARTINEX I think at some point CHARLIE-27 and NIKKI will be getting made to.

Thor8 said...

I'm an ol' softie when it comes to golden age characters, and since none were made for this collection I added my own. I have the complete Liberty Legion plus Blazing Skull, Golden age Torch, Golden age Angel and Golden age Vision among my customs.

Robert said...

Give it up, you guys. No one's coming back.

I spent the week writing an article on Stan's last European con. I and my photographer were given exclusive access to him at LFCC. I even won a signed print from him at a Meet and Greet! See, all this comics crap in my head IS useful!

LarryS said...

Robert -

At the LFCC, some handsome geezer intercepted Ben (my 9 year old)just after he'd been photographed with Stan ... and interviewed the lad for "an article I'm writing about the great man's influence on the generations."

Was that you, perchance? or is that a completely different article?

NB, I don't really believe it was his final tour. ... Think how many final tours Sinatra did.

Robert said...

Larry, it was indeed! I sent the text to my editor yesterday! Yes, you're in the final text, alongside a few others I spoke to on the day.

Wow. Small world. Or is that small MU? ;)

Robert said...

An as for Stan. I was there at LSCC 2012 and I followed him around LFCC 2014. He didn't meet all his commitments this time and was shattered. There's more, but I can't say. I think he's serious this time.

LarryS said...

Robert, discovering that information has made my occasional return to these pages all worthwhile.

You're a true gentleman and I'm looking forward to reading the piece.

Hope our paths will cross again at the next Convention!

Robert said...

You flatter me, sir. :)

It was already a rather great trip and bumping into you has made it even better, Larry. I vaguely remember you telling us about the dressing gown on here a long time ago, although I hadn't put two and two together.

A lot has happened since the collection ended.

I've been doing things on and off for TwoMorrows. I'm mentioned in the new edition of Back issue, although I didn't contribute an article to that one. Roy Thomas asked me to contribute some photos and text to his upcoming book on the history of Marvel as well. Roy's a really nice man and I always enjoy our conversations. It's very flattering he asked me.

I've also written a short story that Keith Pollard drew for me. He was a dream to work with and even said I had a talent for writing! I still can't believe that he said that to me; like a dream, really.

Anyway, I'll let you know what cuts my editor makes. I've not appeared in Comic Book Creator before - it's pretty new - so I can only speculate at how much he will edit or cut my text. If you are mentioned in the final version, I'll let you know.

Enjoy the weekend when it comes, Larry.

Best wishes, Robert.

Robert said...

Just noticed Bagman F.F.F. was on! Jeez, sorry!

Thor8 said...

I recently heard that Marvel is canceling The Thor series (again) with issue #25 and they will releasing a New series about a female Thor. What a bunch of crap.

What do you guys think about this? ( I imagine Jacadoo is having a field day about this).

LarryS said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Robert said...

Thanks, Larry. You may want to take that down to avoid getting stupid messages.

Talking to Roy again. He's interested in my Stan No-Prize for his book... :)

LarryS said...

OK, I took it down after your wise counsel. I assume you had the chance to jot it down? Give me a call whenever you like.

Robert said...

You never know, Larry. :)

Jacadoo said...

Thor8 mate I would never be so petty but ------ ha ha ha....

Yes I heard about the female Thor, You have to admit - I have always called him a lady boy!!!

Gents if your interested I have posted my effort of a Groot and RR custom - I have had some excellent feedback - just want to share and keep things going at least till post 600!!!!!

Jacadoo said...

Oh Groot is posted on my blog!!!!!

Robert said...

Hugely impressive, Jacadoo. It looks professional, like Eaglemoss produced it. Fantastic job. Well done. :)

Jacadoo said...

Hi Roberto, good to see you back on the blog!!!

Many thanks for the kind words.

I tried to get in to Comicon (I was in London for the London 10k and tried my luck - well I had no luck and did not get in!!!

The word is Stan the man is defiantly not doing another - your one lucky bloke.

Robert said...

The six months of planning and talking to folk type of luck, Jacadoo? ;)

But, yeh, very lucky. Having a press pass to go to Stan's Friday press conference and then shadow him for five hours on Sunday was very special.

Even met Larry and his son, ***. (I won't say his name in case Larry doesn't want me to.) Didn't even realise at the time!

Pity you didn't manage to get in. Crowds were horrendous, though. Just mental. I'm going to stick to small cons from now on!

SinisterVenom said...

Might I say how great it is to be hearing from you all again! Missed having you guys around :)

Jacadoo, your Groot and Rocket custom is incredible! I absolutely love it! I agree with Robert in saying that it looks like something that EM has made. Very impressive!

I've not long gotten home from watching Guardians Of The Galaxy...Honestly guys? I absolutely LOVED IT!!! Before this, Avengers Assemble was my favourite Marvel film but this has topped it! All the characters were fantastic, the film itself was really enjoyable and I can't wait to see the sequel! I'm definitely planning on going to see it again! Make sure you see this guys, I promise you, you won't regret it! And Robert, even Howard The Duck's cameo won't put you off this awesome film ;)

Jacadoo said...

Sinister many thanks for the kind comments, and great to see you back and the blog alive again!!!!

I have to agree, Guardians defiantly tops Avengers, the humour pace characters - do I need to say more???

Ronan was excellent and Thanos - wow!!!

Roberto I hate the duck - but even he made me laugh out loud.

So I have the excuse to take my parents on Saturday night!!!

Jacadoo said...
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Thor8 said...

Hi Jacadoo; Your Groot and Rocket custom looks awesome. I'm just completing the finishing touches on my Fandral custom and started on my Hogun. I'm not such an excellent customizer as you are, but it keeps me busy when there are no trolls to battle.

SinisterVenom said...

Hey guys, just to let you know if you haven't heard already, a member on the Superherofigurineforum website has sadly passed away. If you're on there too, you'll know his username as Artificial Idiot. I can't remember if Paul (his real name) used to comment on this blog with us as it has been a while since I last went through some old messages but on the forum, he was a very kind and good friend to have. It truly is a shame.
Anyway, I just thought I'd pass on the news here to let anyone know that may not have heard already.
R.I.P Paul


Thor8 said...
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Thor8 said...

SV: Logged into the Forum and gave my condolences. It's a sad thing when someone departs from this sphere, but it's even sadder when someone so young departs so soon before his time. Artificial Idiot shall be sorely missed. May the Lord bring comfort and solace to his dear ones whom suffer this lost the most.

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