Wednesday, 22 December 2010

'Twas the update before Christmas...

Hello everybody,

Just time for one quick update before the Christmas/New Year break.

I have some images of new figures:

First, Spiral Painted:

Second, Songbird painted:

This is now our third 'shouty' character and we wanted to create a different pose to Banshee and Siryn. We decided to go with Songbird just about to bellow – a more subtle use of her powers.


I can also (re)confirm which specials we're currently working on for next year. I don't have any pictures yet but I can let you know that Odin and Sauron are currently at the sculptors. Not sure the order or onsale date yet but they will be making an appearance in 2011 alongside some others.

After a lot of debate on the Sauron figure, we decided that we just couldn't get him in the collection as a regular issue unless we greatly cheated the scale and wing-size. Hopefully everyone will be happy to know that I'm working with the sculptors to make sure the wings are not sticking out too much (ie the pose isn't too crazy) and that he's a normal special.

Just time to quickly answer one question:

Q. How involved are Marvel in the sculpting process?

A. When choosing characters for extensions we internally finalise the running order and then send to Marvel for confirmation. This allows Marvel to check the characters are not 3rd party characters and that no licensing problems exist. It also gives them the chance to suggest characters that may be about to be relaunched or feature in an upcoming storyline – although this latter point has never actually occured.

In general, Marvel let us include any character we want.

Moving on to individual characters, the next stage Marvel will see are concepts for the figurine's pose and costume. To get these concepts ready, I spend time making a list of all the character's appearances, buying most (if not all) the comics we don't have and then looking through each one for pose images and overall reference. I also use a number of websites for reference.

Often a pose can be found in the comics but if not we can have approved Marvel artists produce sketches for us.

Marvel then check the pose and costume and pass any comments back to us – this can be a change in pose or costume.

From this point all the approved reference goes to our sculptor who begins work. The sculptor will then send work-in-progress pictures to myself, these are also approved by Marvel to make sure we're keeping to the reference and everyone is satisfied with the sculpt.

Once finished, a cast of the sculpt is sent to Marvel for final sculpt approval before the sculpt is painted. First images and then a physical paint sample are supplied to Marvel. At each stage Marvel can ask for changes and often tweak poses/colours.

And lastly, pre-production and production samples are sent to Marvel for comments.

All-in-all Marvel get to see every stage of development and can supply comments/make changes at any point. The number of changes/comments varies from figure to figure.

Right I think that's enough for now.

Everyone have a great Christmas and Happy New Year.



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Robert said...


Robert said...

Above address missing "erin,jpg".

LAWay said...

Was it you Robert that liked the Marvel 'handful of heroes' colourful minitures? Saw them in Asda at £2.49 incase you hadnt heard.

Also, Leigh sad at no update. EM must have got sloshed over xmas.

Any characters that are drunks or heavy drinkers that havent been made into figurines yet?

Robert said...

Thanks for the tip, Leigh. They are double that price in FP and I would have wanted the Big Three and a few others that are all in different packs. They look quite detailed and I was thinking of painting some to place next to a Galactus figure. After I come off here, I'll google Asda and see if there's one I can pop into on the way to work.

Drunks not yet in lead, Leigh? Iron Man, Ms Marvel, um, that's all I can think of. Well, technically I can't think of any more NEW characters, but the classic Demon in a Bottle storyline dates back to when Shellhead was wearing classic armour! So, by bending your question slightly, we can introduce a classic variant as the Extremis armour is a different incarnation of the Iron Avenger!

avenger guy said...

i just bought kang as a back issue and i noticed his face was purple and not blue

Robert said...

The 161-180 extension.

By my (very) rough mental arithmetic, we're somewhere around 36 weeks from releasing the 161st figure. Unless something has been said on the forum, so far there has been no indication of order. I was wondering when Rich could give us any indication of what the order would be, at least for, say, the first handful of figures from that extension? (I know, impatience is a terrible character defect.)

Miguel Angel Jiminez said...

No idea on the 161 - 180 running order. 181. Bloodstone and 182. The Recorder are both definates according to my 8 ball fortune teller.
I believe it was an old Tibetian waiter/beatnik who said " wish in one hand , s**t in the other and see which one fills up first" wise folks those Tibetans

Robert said...

Ah, Ted, you wonderful, wonderful man. (It's amazing how easy my affection can be won. Just mention the Recorder and you're on to a winner!)

P.S. As Jurgens finished off the epic Lord of Asgard run, at the end of the last issue there was a double splash page spread of Thor and all his core supporting cast - Odin, Loki, Sif, Warriors Three, Balder, Heimdall, Beta Ray Bill and... the Recorder. Nearly brought a tear to my eye...

Robert said...

In the realms of off-the-wall suggestions, has anyone suggested H.E.R.B.I.E.? Maybe we could get him with Lockjaw? (Although my first option would be Franklin and Valeria.)

LAWay said...

Was playing SPiderman SHattered Dimensons today.

I want a spiderman 2099.

It aint an alternate costume, so bend to my demands!

Also, Madame Webb please. I feel wrng saying this, but in the game, she has a great figure...

I need to wash my brain.

Robert said...

Spidey 2099? Yep, you have my vote, Leigh. The first year or so of that title was really enjoyable and very funny.

My favourite lines from Spider-Man 2099's comic:
"How can you nurse a grudge against me, Miguel?"
"I have tough nipples."

Writer? Peter David, who else?

Anonymous said...

I just bought Pyro. It's actually a very good figurine. Honestly. Look very cool & dynamic from certain angles, rather than from the front. The only bit I don't like is the flame from the thrower. It looks like a bunch of
bananas. It looks like Pyro's most lethal trick is to shoot bananas.

Robert said...

You know, K-eyes, now that you've pointed out that Pyro looks like he has bananas coming out his wrist, the figure just doesn't appeal any more.

Miguel Angel Jiminez said...

I too would love to see a spidey 2099, I kinda enjoyed some of that game, heck even Spidey noir looked cool,but most weirdly i found myself warming to the idea of a Hammerhead fig, as the guy that voiced him was fantastic i want him done with twin tommy guns.. you doity rats.
Oh and the guy that voiced him also voiced the wonderful Bender in Futurama, and i think he voices one of the big butch dudes fae Gears of War.
Ah i just love the thursdays before upda..... ach ferget it

luis oncina cordon said...

Solo queria comentarles que no se olviden de los antiguos seguidores de Marvel que nos gustaria que salieran las figuras de Goliat (vengadores),todos los personajes de alpha flight,mandibulas (inhumanos),etc.Es una sugerencia.Saludos y gracias

Thor8 said...

Luis solo queria mencionrle que no has sido el unico en sugerir el personaje de Goliat,pues somos muchos los que deseamos ver a este personaje en esta colleccion al igual que otros personajes mencionados por usted.

pirate adam said...

querría una figura de Goliat pero sólo como un regular no especial

Pirata Adam

Robert said...

I no speako Spanish, so I will just shout:


See, millions of British tourists can't all be wrong! Now everyone understands me!

Hawkeye said...

First pic of the new Spiderman here - interesting....

SinisterVenom said...

Liking the new Spidey pic, looks like this is going to be a dark Spidey we're going to see. All we need now is a pic of the Lizard, I can't wait to see how he will turn out.
Leigh, I must say how I currently envy you. Shattered Dimensions was one of the top games on my Christmas list and I didn't get it :( Sounds like it's worth the money from all the good comments I've read? Still, nothing will stop me holding Marvel Vs. Capcom 3 in my hands next month eh? ;)
And finally a message for Rich, please can we have an update today? 1. It has been a while since the last update. 2. I am very ill at the moment and getting annoyed at staying in bed with nothing to do so an update would surely make me feel happier at least.

Hawkeye said...

As if the Spidey one wasn't treat enough, here's the picture of Captain America from the new movie

BLAKENEWMAN2002 said...


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