Hello everyone, sorry for the once again delayed update to the blog, it has as always been very busy here at Eaglemoss.
From the comments posted I can see that the double-pack specials are very popular, with some great choices being suggested. I hope we can get as many double-packs into the collection as possible but we must remember that the double-packs do take the place of regular or mega specials in our schedules. So I’m going to have to balance them with the other specials.
I think the Pyro and Avalanche idea is very strong but I’m going to keep Pyro in the extended running order for now and see if we can get him into a double pack later on. So far our confirmed specials are:
Ka-Zar and Zabu
Cloak & Dagger
That takes us up to the end of October so I won’t be able to confirm anymore until a little further down the line. But, characters aside, what type of special would you want next: Regular, Double-Pack or Mega?
Right I’ve got just enough time to tease you with a new figure, I present Beta Ray Bill. At the moment this is the only shot of the figure I have but I’ll try and put a couple more up next week.