Sorry for the delay between posts, as always I've been very busy recently.
Last week we said goodbye to the designer on the DC Super Hero Collection, Gary Gilbert, who has decided to leave Eaglemoss and spend some time as a freelance designer. He'll be sorely missed here as he helped develop both the Marvel and DC figurine collections and was a great mate.
Stepping up and taking over from Gary will be the more-than-capable Colin, who has worked as part of Marvel and DC collections since the beginning.
Anyway, with that aside I have a quick update for you with some images of Cloak and Dagger in a near final state. We still have a few tweaks to make to the figure but this is essentially the final product.
As you can see we went for a joint base with Dagger stepping out of Cloak's dark portal. Although they don't always appear together in the comics, my feeling is that a sculpt such as this really shows off the symbiotic nature of the characters. After all, Dagger's light does 'feed' Cloak and they frequently travel/fight using Cloak's powers.
I hope you like it.

Next up I have the rough stage for Ant-Man. We've gone for an early version of Scott Lang's costume. This was chosen because it was the costume he wore from the beginning (inherited from Hank Pym) and also the one that appeared the most.

Right that's your lot, have a good weekend.